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Tanggapan Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba Mengenai Iklan Media Luar Ruang Provider Xl Di Bandung (Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Tanggapan Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba Mengenai Iklan Media Luar Ruang Provider Xl Di Bandung)

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dc.contributor.author Ariandra, Delta
dc.date.accessioned 2017-10-23T01:39:12Z
dc.date.available 2017-10-23T01:39:12Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/12025
dc.description.abstract Di era perkembangan zaman seperti saat ini berbagai perusahaanperusahaan barang/jasa semakin intensif beriklan khususnya pada media luar ruang (MLR). Media luar ruang dipandang sebagai media kedua yang tingkat keefektifan iklannya cukup baik, satu level dibawah media iklan melalui televisi. Respon audiens mengenai iklan menjadi hal yang perlu untuk dikaji untuk mampu mengetahui iklan mana yang ideal dan yang tidak. Iklan yang dianggap efektif itu dipandang bilamana mampu menghadirkan beberapa tahapan respon, mampu menarik perhatian, menimbulkan rasa ingin tahu, menimbulkan keinginan, dan merangsang tindakan nyata. Untuk memperoleh hasil tersebut, maka digunakan teori Customer Response Index (CRI). Dari situ maka terbetuklah tujuan penelitian ini yakni, untuk memperoleh nilai, awareness, comprehend, interest, intentions, dan action yang ditimbulkan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui data kuantitatif menggunakan tahapan respon atau teori Customer Response Index. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket/ kuesioner, Observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Angket disebarkan pada 76 sampel mahasiswa/i fikom unisba 2012. Berdasarkan olah data penelitian, menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat respon iklan MLR provider xl sampai pada tahap interest, pada tahap selanjutnya yaitu, tahap intentions, iklan MLR provider xl tidak menghadirkan respon yang signifikan. In the era of the times such as now, the various companies of goods / services advertising increasingly intensive, especially on outdoor adv. Outdoor advertising is seen as a second-level media advertising that effectiveness have good enough, there is one level below television. Audience response on the ad be things that need to be studied to be able to know which ads are ideal and are not. Ads that are considered effective if it is be able to present several stages responses, able to attract attention, generate curiosity, gives rise to desire, and stimulate action. To get the results, then used the theory of Customer Response Index (CRI). From there, so formed the purpose of this study, that is to obtain the value of awareness, comprehend, interests and intentions caused. The method used in this research using descriptive method with quantitative data using the theory of phase response or Customer Response Index. Data collection technique used a questionnaire / questionnaire, literature study, observation, and online journals. Questionnaires were distributed to 76 student sampled of Fikom Unisba 2012. Based on the data of research, lead to the conclusion that there is an audience response to the provider xl outdoor adv reached the point of interest, on the next stage, the stage of intentions, provider xl outdoor adveretising does not present a significant response. en_US
dc.publisher Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Bandung en_US
dc.subject Respon, iklan media luar ruang, provider xl, Customer Response Index (CRI). Response, Outdoor Advertising, Provider XL, Customer Response Index en_US
dc.title Tanggapan Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba Mengenai Iklan Media Luar Ruang Provider Xl Di Bandung (Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Tanggapan Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba Mengenai Iklan Media Luar Ruang Provider Xl Di Bandung) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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