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Pengaruh Gratitude terhadap Well-being pada Relawan Disabilitas dan Relawan Non-disabilitas The Effect of Gratitude on Well-being in Disability Volunteers and Non-disability Volunteers

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dc.contributor Fakultas Psikologi
dc.creator Pinanty, Dilia Geugeut
dc.creator Qodariah, Siti
dc.date 2019-08-01
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/16678
dc.description Abstract. Persons with physical disabilities are those who having an abnormal body parts, so it will disrupt the ability to do social function activities and difficulties in doing daily activities. Generally, persons with disabilities will often feel excessive anxiety, hopelessness, fear of meeting other people, excessive shame and always feeling to be alone. Different with  other people with disabilities that researchers ever met before, they showed attitude of gratitude, accept others emphaty, show happiness, and very helpfull, they are able to act actively by volunteering in their institutions. They work with non-disability volunteers to help people with disabilities. They reguler activities are sharing, seminars, socialization, home-visit, peer counseling, performing shows, sculpting, and painting. This phenomenon led researchers to the purpose of the study to find out how much the influence of gratitude to well-being on disability volunteers and non-disabled volunteers. This research is a purposive study, supported by 20 volunteers (consist of 10 people with disabilities and 10 people non-disabilities. The measuring instrument used is The Gratitude Questionaire (GQ-6) from McCullough (2004) to measure gratitude and The PERMA Profiler from Butler and Kern (2015) to measure well-being. The results of the study showed that the effect of gratitude on the dimensions of well-being was respectively positive emotion (24.7%), engagement (14.4%), relationship (23%), meaning (39.7%), accomplishment (2, 5%), meaning that there is a positive influence on the well-being of volunteers on disability and non-disability volunteers, and there is no difference in the influence of gratitude to well-being on disability volunteers and non-disabled volunteers.Keywords: Gratitude, Well-being, Disability.Abstrak. Penyandang disabilitas fisik adalah mereka yang tubuhnya tidak normal sehingga menghambat kemampuannya untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dan akan mengalami kesulitan dalam aktivitas. Umumnya, penyandang disabilitas sering merasakan kecemasan berlebihan, putus harapan, takut bertemu orang lain, rasa malu yang berlebihan dan suka menyendiri. Namun berbeda dengan penyandang disabilitas yang peneliti temui, mereka menunjukan sikap bersyukur, menerima keibaikan orang lain, merasa bahagia, ingin membantu orang lain, mereka mampu berkegiatan aktif dengan menjadi relawan di lembaganya. Mereka bekerja sama dengan relawan yang non-disabilitas untuk membantu penyandang disabilitas. Kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan adalah sharing, seminar, sosialisasi, home-visit, peer counseling, tampil pertunjukan, memahat, dan melukis. Fenomena ini mengantar peneliti pada tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh gratitude terhadap well-being pada relawan disabilitas dan relawan non-disabilitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian purposive dengan sampel sebanyak 20 orang relawan yang terdiri dari 10 orang disabilitas dan 10 orang non-disabilitas. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah The Gratitude Questionaire (GQ-6) dari McCullough (2004) untuk mengukur gratitude dan The PERMA Profiler dari Butler dan Kern (2015) untuk mengukur well-being. Hasil penelitiain didapat bahwa pengaruh gratitude terhadap dimensi well-being masing-masing sebesar positive emotion (24,7%), engagement (14,4%), relationship (23%), meaning (39,7%), accomplishment (2,5%), artinya terdapat pengaruh positif gratitude terhadap well-being pada relawan disabilitas dan non-disabilitas, serta tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh gratitude dan well-being pada relawan disabilitas dan relawan non-disabilitas.Kata Kunci: Gratitude, Well-being, Disabilitas.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/16678/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2019 Prosiding Psikologi
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 5, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2019); 324-331
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 5, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2019); 324-331
dc.source 2460-6448
dc.subject Psikologi
dc.subject Gratitude, Well-being, Disabilitas
dc.title Pengaruh Gratitude terhadap Well-being pada Relawan Disabilitas dan Relawan Non-disabilitas The Effect of Gratitude on Well-being in Disability Volunteers and Non-disability Volunteers
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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