Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Pemanfaatan Tailing Bijih Emas PT. Antam terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Sifat Mekanik Body Keramik Stoneware di Balai Besar Keramik Bandung

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dc.contributor Fakultas Teknik
dc.creator Aryadhi, Ricky
dc.creator Solihin, Solihin
dc.creator Subari, Subari
dc.date 2018-01-27
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T01:47:41Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T01:47:41Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/view/9891
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/22558
dc.description Abstract. Tailings of gold ore processing PT. ANTAM UBPE Pongkor, The dominant ones containing quartz sand, is an unusead material and it’s amount tends to increase with chemical composition 55,28% Si2O, 16,85% CaO, 10,19% Al2O3, 8,14% Fe2O3, and the rest is a small amount of alkaline. The large amount of tailings dumped in the mining area, then there is thought to use tailings as an alternative material for the manufacture of ceramic body. The experiment of making ceramic body on gold ore tailing by preparing three compositions of ceramic material (1, 2, and 3). In which each consisting of a mixture of gold ore tailing, clay and felspar with different proportions. Every 1 composition there is 7 grain fraction of gold ore tailing (+10#, -10#+14#, +14#-30#, -30#+40#, -40#+70#, -70#+100#, and -100#) so the number of samples there are 21 pieces. The design of the composition then made spicement and were fired at temperatures of 1100 oC 1150 oC and 1200 oC. Physical properties of the fired speciment such as : drying and firing shrinkages, water absorption and bending strength were tasted. The test results were then compared with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for stonewere ceramics bodies based on SNI 15-1327-1989. Physical properties test result of ceramic body composition design There are 8 design compositions that qualify SNI for stonewere body ceramic at firing temperature 1100 oC Only the specimen with composition 1 grain fraction -10#+14#. At firing temperature 1150 oC There are 4 eligible samples of composition 1 grain fraction +10# and -30#+40#, composition 2 grain fraction -14#+30#, and composition 3 -40#+70#. At firing temperature 1200 oC There are 3 eligible samples of composition 1 grain fraction +10#, composition 2 grain fraction butir -100#, and composition 3 grain fraction -40#+70#. the best composition of the compositions design is found in the composition of 3 fractions of -40 # + 70 # with a combustion temperature of 1150 oC having a strong bending value of 238.95 kg / cm2 which means when it is formed into a finished product the ceramic is not easily broken.Keywords : tailing, processing of gold ore, grain fraction, stoneware ceramic bodies.Keywords: Tailing, Processing Of Gold Ore, Grain Fraction, Stoneware Ceramic BodyesAbstrak. Tailing hasil pengolahan bijih emas PT. ANTAM UBPE Pongkor, yang dominan mengandung pasir kuarsa, merupakan bahan yang tidak terpakai lagi dan jumlahnya semakin banyak yang berdasarkan hasil analisis kimia 55,28% SiO2, 16,85% CaO, 10,19% Al2O3, 8,14% Fe2O3, dan sisanya alkali dalam jumlah kecil. Besarnya jumlah tailing yang dibuang di area penambangan, maka ada pemikiran untuk memanfaatkan tailing sebagai bahan alternatif untuk pembuatan body keramik. Percobaan pembuatan body keramik dari tailing bijih emas ini dilakukan dengan menyiapkan tiga komposisi body keramik (1, 2, dan 3) yang masing-masing terdiri dari campuran tailing bijih emas, lempung dan felspar dengan perbandingan yang bervariasi. Setiap 1 komposisi terdapat 7 fraksi butir tailing bijih emas (+10#, -10#+14#, +14#-30#, -30#+40#, -40#+70#, -70#+100#, dan -100#) sehingga jumlah ada 21 sampel. Rancangan komposisi kemudian dicetak benda uji dan dibakar pada suhu 1100 oC 1150 oC dan 1200 oC, selanjutnya diuji sifat-sifat fisiknya antara lain : susut kering, susut bakar, penyerapan air, kuat lentur kering dan kuat lentur bakar. Hasil pengujian kemudian dibandingkan dengan persyaratan SNI untuk body keramik stoneware berdasarkan SNI 15-1327-1989. Hasil uji sifat fisik terhadap rancangan komposisi body keramik terdapat 8 rancangan komposisi yang memenuhi syarat SNI untuk body keramik stoneware diantaranya pada suhu pembakaran 1100 oC hanya benda uji dengan komposisi 1 fraksi butir -10#+14#. Pada suhu pembakaran  1150 oC terdapat 4 sampel yang memenuhi syarat yaitu komposisi 1 dengan fraksi butir +10# dan -30#+40#, komposisi 2 fraksi butir -14#+30#, dan komposisi 3 -40#+70#. Pada suhu pembakaran 1200 oC terdapat 3 sampel yaitu komposisi 1 fraksi butir +10#, komposisi 2 fraksi butir -100#, dan komposisi 3 fraksi butir -40#+70#.  Rancanga komposisi yang telah lolos hasil terbaik terdapat pada komposisi 3 fraksi butir -40#+70# dengan suhu pembakaran  1150 oC memiliki nilai kuat lentur 238,95 kg/cm2.yang berarti saat dibentuk menjadi produk jadi keramik tidak mudah pecah.Kata Kunci: Tailing, Pengolahan Bijih Emas, Fraksi Butir, Bodi Keramik Stoneware
dc.description Tailings of gold ore processing PT. ANTAM UBPE Pongkor, The dominant ones containing quartz sand, is an unusead material and it’s amount tends to increase with chemical composition 55,28% Si2O, 16,85% CaO, 10,19% Al2O3, 8,14% Fe2O3, and the rest is a small amount of alkaline. The large amount of tailings dumped in the mining area, then there is thought to use tailings as an alternative material for the manufacture of ceramic body.The experiment of making ceramic body on gold ore tailing by preparing three compositions of ceramic material (1, 2, and 3). In which each consisting of a mixture of gold ore tailing, clay and felspar with different proportions. Every 1 composition there is 7 grain fraction of gold ore tailing (+10#, -10#+14#, +14#-30#, -30#+40#, -40#+70#, -70#+100#, and -100#) so the number of samples there are 21 pieces. The design of the composition then made spicement and were fired at temperatures of 1100 oC 1150 oC and 1200 oC. Physical properties of the fired speciment such as : drying and firing shrinkages, water absorption and bending strength were tasted. The test results were then compared with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for stonewere ceramics bodies based on SNI 15-1327-1989.            Physical properties test result of ceramic body composition design There are 8 design compositions that qualify SNI for stonewere body ceramic at firing temperature 1100 oC Only the specimen with composition 1 grain fraction -10#+14#. At firing temperature 1150 oC There are 4 eligible samples of composition 1 grain fraction +10# and -30#+40#, composition 2 grain fraction -14#+30#, and composition 3 -40#+70#. At firing temperature 1200 oC There are 3 eligible samples of composition 1 grain fraction +10#, composition 2 grain fraction butir -100#, and composition 3 grain fraction -40#+70#. the best composition of the compositions design is found in the composition of 3 fractions of -40 # + 70 # with a combustion temperature of 1150 oC having a strong bending value of 238.95 kg / cm2 which means when it is formed into a finished product the ceramic is not easily broken.Keywords : tailing, processing of gold ore, grain fraction, stoneware ceramic bodies. Keywords : tailing, processing of gold ore, grain fraction, stoneware ceramic bodyes.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/view/9891/pdf
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/downloadSuppFile/9891/1827
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Februari, 2018); 281-295
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Februari, 2018); 281-295
dc.source 2460-6499
dc.subject Teknik Pertambangan
dc.subject Tailing, Pengolahan Bijih Emas, Fraksi Butir, Bodi Keramik Stoneware
dc.title Pemanfaatan Tailing Bijih Emas PT. Antam terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Sifat Mekanik Body Keramik Stoneware di Balai Besar Keramik Bandung
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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