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Pengembangan Komunikasi Pemasaran di Perusahaan Provider

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dc.contributor Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
dc.creator Marseli, Nur Deani Fitri
dc.creator Chaerowati, Dede Lilis
dc.date 2018-01-25
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T05:43:01Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T05:43:01Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/mankom/article/view/9190
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/24222
dc.description Abstract. PT. XL Axiata finished the merger and acquisition process with PT Axis, the provider company oficially relaunch Axis as a brand that targeted the market segmentation who demanded more convenient and simple service that required by the market while XL focused to market their product towards the middle-up market which became the purpose of the dual brand formation. It is certain that there is development process o these two brands, particularly the effective marketing communication done to increase the market value of these two brands. The purpose of the research is to regarding marketing communication development in XL Axiata through  dual branding. This research utilized quantitative research method and complemented with descriptive method. The population of this research is the staff and employess of XL Axiata Center Bandung branch office by using purposive sampling technique of sampling with the selected samples consists of three persons. Interviewa, observation, literature reviews and documentation is the data collection technique chosen for this research. The results discovered from this research is that target audience PT XL Axiata directly classified both of its brands. Axis focused on its market segmentation towards younger generation and school student while XL marketed towards young executive. The communication purposes done by XL Axiata for one of their brands, Axis is easier and simpler while for the other brand XL focused to estabilish quality image of XL from its competitors and focus more toward company communications. The message design done by PT XL Axiata is changing the logo both brands after merger and acquisition process has been done while for their source of message is the precise and accurate celebrities on their advertisements. The communication channel conducted by XL Axiata of both brands namely both using social media, print media and electronic media. For the development the communication channel of futher about both brands,  equally become major sponsor so it can reach all people. The marketing mix done by XL Axiata a whole for both brands by doing advertisig activities, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and public relations to support through dual branding. For example, conducting rising activities to various schools for the brand Axis and for the brand XL is by conducting CTC (Company to Company). Integreted marketing communication process with digital marketing for both brands.Keywords: Marketing Communication Development, Co-Branding (dual branding), XL Axiata. Abstrak. PT XL Axiata resmi melakukan akuisisi dan merger dengan PT Axis. XL pun resmi me-relaunch Axis sebagai brand yang menyasar segmen pasar yang membutuhkan layanan yang simpel sesuai dengan yang mereka butuhkan, untuk brand XL fokus menngincar pada pasar middle-up dan kemudian dibentuklah dual brand ini. Dari sua brand ini, tentunya ada pengembangan yang dilakukan. Terutama, dalam penembangan komunikasi pemasaran yang efektif yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai merek kedua brand ini. Dalam penelitian ini, memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan komunikasi pemasaran di perusahaan provider yaitu XL Axiata melalui program dual branding. Penelitian ini, menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan studi deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para karyawan XL Axiata Center Bandung dan sampel dalam penelitian ini yanitu menggunakan teknik purposive sampling (sampel bertujuan) yang diambil adalah 3 orang staf XL Axiara Center Bandung. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan dan data dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) identifikasi audiens sasaran, perseroan (XL) menentukan langsung segmentasi dari kedua brand yang dimilikinya. Untuk brand Axis, perseroan mengfokuskan lebih ke anak muda, sekolah dan juga komunitas dan bagi brand XL segmentasinya lebih ke arah eksekutif muda; (2) tujuan komunikasinya, bagi brand Axis tujuan komunikasinya dibuat lebih mudah (easy) mengingat segmentasinya yang mengarah ke anak muda jaman sekarang dan untuk brand XL tujuan komunikasinya lebih ke arah company dan juga tujuan komunikasi yang dibuat lebih ke kualitas yang tentunya diciptakan untuk membangun image XL itu sendiri; (3) rancangan pesan, baik brand  XL maupun Axis sama-sama melakukan perubahan pada logonya pasca merger antara perusahan XL-Axis dan juga rancangan pesan lainnya terlihat dari pemilihan bintang iklan yang dipilih sesuai dengan masing-masing konten kedua brand tersebut; (4) saluran komunikasinya, baik brand XL maupun Axis sama-sama menggunakan media sosial, media cetak dan elektronik dan untuk pengembangannya saluran komunikasi lebih lanjut baik brand XL dan juga Axis menjadi sponsor agar bisa menjangkau semua kalangan masyarakat; (5) bauran komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan secara keseluruhan baik brand XL dan Axis melakukan kegiatan periklanan, promosi penjualan , personal selling, publisitas dan tentunya public relations untuk mendukung program dual branding tersebut. Misalnya,melakukan rising ke sekolah-sekolah untuk brand Axis dan brand XL lebih ke arah Company to Company (CTC) dan; (6) proses komunikasi pemasaran terintegrasi baik brand XL maupun brand Axis kini lebih ke arah digital marketing. Kata kunci: Pengembangan Komunikasi Pemasaran, Co-Branding (dual branding), XL Axiata
dc.description PT. XL Axiata finished the merger and acquisition process with PT Axis, the provider company oficially relaunch Axis as a brand that targeted the market segmentation who demanded more convenient and simple service that required by the market while XL focused to market their product towards the middle-up market which became the purpose of the dual brand formation. It is certain that there is development process o these two brands, particularly the effective marketing communication done to increase the market value of these two brands. The purpose of the research is to regarding marketing communication development in XL Axiata through  dual branding. This research utilized quantitative research method and complemented with descriptive method. The population of this research is the staff and employess of XL Axiata Center Bandung branch office by using purposive sampling technique of sampling with the selected samples consists of three persons. Interviewa, observation, literature reviews and documentation is the data collection technique chosen for this research. The results discovered from this research is that target audience PT XL Axiata directly classified both of its brands. Axis focused on its market segmentation towards younger generation and school student while XL marketed towards young executive. The communication purposes done by XL Axiata for one of their brands, Axis is easier and simpler while for the other brand XL focused to estabilish quality image of XL from its competitors and focus more toward company communications. The message design done by PT XL Axiata is changing the logo both brands after merger and acquisition process has been done while for their source of message is the precise and accurate celebrities on their advertisements. The communication channel conducted by XL Axiata of both brands namely both using social media, print media and electronic media. For the development the communication channel of futher about both brands,  equally become major sponsor so it can reach all people. The marketing mix done by XL Axiata a whole for both brands by doing advertisig activities, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and public relations to support through dual branding. For example, conducting rising activities to various schools for the brand Axis and for the brand XL is by conducting CTC (Company to Company). Integreted marketing communication process with digital marketing for both brands.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi
dc.publisher Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/mankom/article/view/9190/pdf
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/mankom/article/downloadSuppFile/9190/1650
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi
dc.source Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi (Februari, 2018); 66-72
dc.source Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi (Februari, 2018); 66-72
dc.source 2460-6537
dc.subject Manajemen Komunikasi
dc.subject Pengembangan Komunikasi Pemasaran, Co-Branding (dual branding), XL Axiata
dc.subject Marketing Communication Development, Co-Branding (dual branding), XL Axiata
dc.title Pengembangan Komunikasi Pemasaran di Perusahaan Provider
dc.title Marketing Communication Development In Provider Enterprises
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif

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