Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Descriptive study of children well-being on students in class 6 in Sains Al-Biruni Bandung elementary school.

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dc.creator Agustira, Muthia Dwi
dc.creator Diantina, Fanni Putri
dc.date 2016-02-19
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-10T01:51:47Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-10T01:51:47Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/2773
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/21103
dc.description Sains Al-Biruni elementary school is a full day- based school where students must spend their time in school from 7 am to 4 pm. When school hour is over, the students have to join an extracurricular hour in or out of school up to evening. When arrived home, the students have  to do their school homeworks and start to have a rest after 8 pm everyday. Based on the data collected, some students “on strike” of study and 2 students transfer to other school. They have a very little apportunity to play and have a rest. And yet there are some students are satisfied and dissatisfied as the students of Sains Al-Biruni elementary school Bandung. The objective of this study is descriptive study with 23 of 6 students in Sains Al Biruni elementary school as the sample of the research. The  instrument used is a questionnaire of children well-being age 12 years old. The results show that the high domain are home satisfaction, satisfaction with interpersonal relationship, satisfaction with health, personal satisfaction and satisfaction with material things domains. The low domain is satisfaction with time organization domain.
dc.description SD Sains Al Biruni adalah salah satu sekolah berbasis full day school dimana siswa bersekolah mulai jam 7 pagi hingga jam 4 sore. Setelah selesai jam sekolah, siswa juga harus mengikuti jam belajar tambahan baik di sekolah maupun luar sekolah hingga malam hari, setiba di rumah siswa harus mengerjakan setiap tugas yang diberikan sehingga siswa baru dapat beristirahat di atas jam 8 malam setiap harinya. Berdasarkan data tersebut, beberapa siswa “mogok” belajar dan dua orang siswa pindah sekolah. Kesempatan bagi siswa untuk bermain dan beristirahat menjadi berkurang. Walaupun demikian, terdapat siswa yang merasa puas dan tidak puas dalam memandang kehidupannya sebagai siswa-siswi SD Sais Al Biruni. Perbedaan siswa dalam memandangan kehidupannya ini berkaitan dengan Children well-being. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan subyek penelitian sebanyak 23 orang siswa-siswi 6 di SD Sains Al Biruni Bandung. Alat ukur penelitian menggunakan kuesioner children well-being usia 12 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa domain yang dimaknakan siswa tinggi ada pada domain home satisfaction, domain satisfaction with interpersonal relationship, domain satisfaction with area living in, domain school satisfaction, domain satisfaction with health, domain personal satisfaction dan domain satisfaction with material things. Sedangkan domain yang dimaknakan siswa rendah adalah domain satisfaction with time organization.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language ind
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/2773/pdf
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 2, No 1, Prosiding Psikologi (Februari, 2016); 99-104
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 2, No 1, Prosiding Psikologi (Februari, 2016); 99-104
dc.source 2460-6448
dc.subject Proceedings of Psychology
dc.subject Children Well-being, children well-being domain, students of full day school.
dc.subject Psikologi
dc.subject Children Well-being, domain Children Well-being, Siswa Full Day School
dc.title Descriptive study of children well-being on students in class 6 in Sains Al-Biruni Bandung elementary school.
dc.title Studi Deskriptif Children Well-Being pada Siswa-Siswi Kelas 6 di SD Sains Al-Biruni Bandung
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type qualitative
dc.type kualitatif

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