Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Kerja pada Teknisi Seksi Pengujian di Balai X Bandung

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dc.contributor Psikologi
dc.creator Maulidina, Vianda
dc.creator Mubarak, Ali
dc.date 2018-08-07
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-10T01:53:09Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-10T01:53:09Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/11775
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/21116
dc.description Abstract. Before the implementation of the new policy in 2016, the performance of the technicians was quite low and indicated by the many complaints from clients. The new policy implemented in Center X since 2016, makes the technicians in the testing section have more responsibilities and finally the characteristics of their work in accordance with core job dimensions in the job characteristics model concept. The existence of considerable changes in the characteristics of his work did not make the technicians become stressed and burdened. The technicians showed the opposite, as seen from the achievement of the sample testing output targets which increased drastically from previous years. Even a number of frequent complaints from clients regarding testing delays, this year have decreased. The technicians mostly show a positive attitude towards changing their work characteristics so they tend to have high satisfaction due to the policy changes that occur. The purpose of this study was to get a picture of job satisfaction in the technicians in the testing section. The research method used is descriptive statistical analysis with a population of 38 people. The measuring instrument used was compiled by researchers by adapting the Job Diagnostics Survey (JDS) measuring instrument from Hackman and Oldham (1975). The results showed the most dominant job satisfaction profiles of the technicians were in the high category, namely 27 technicians (71.05%). Then there were 9 technicians (23.68%) in the medium category, and there were 2 technicians (5.26%) in the very high category.Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Job Characteristics Model, Technician Abstrak. Sebelum diterapkannya kebijakan baru di tahun 2016, kinerja para teknisi cukup rendah dan ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya keluhan dari para klien. Kebijakan baru yang diterapkan di Balai X sejak tahun 2016, membuat para teknisi di seksi pengujian memiliki tanggung jawab yang bertambah banyak dan akhirnya karakteristik pekerjaan mereka sesuai dengan core job dimensions pada konsep job chara cteristics model. Adanya perubahan yang cukup besar dalam karakteristik pekerjaannya ternyata tidak membuat para teknisi menjadi stress dan terbebani. Para teknisi menunjukkan hal yang sebaliknya yang terlihat dari pencapaian target output pengujian sampel yang meningkat secara drastis dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Bahkan beberapa keluhan yang sering terjadi dari para klien mengenai keterlambatan pengujian, pada tahun ini mengalami penurunan. Para teknisi sebagian besar menunjukkan sikap yang positif terhadap perubahan karakteristik pekerjaannya sehingga cenderung memiliki kepuasan yang tinggi akibat perubahan kebijakan yang terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran kepuasan kerja pada para teknisi di seksi pengujian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dengan populasi sebanyak 38 orang. Alat ukur yang digunakan disusun oleh peneliti dengan mengadaptasi alat ukur Job Diagnostics Survey (JDS) dari Hackman dan Oldham (1975). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil kepuasan kerja para teknisi paling dominan terdapat pada kategori tinggi, yaitu berjumlah 27 orang teknisi (71,05%). Kemudian terdapat 9 teknisi (23,68%) pada kategori sedang, dan terdapat 2 teknisi (5,26%) pada kategori sangat tinggi.Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Kerja, Job Characteristics Model, Teknisi
dc.description Before the implementation of the new policy in 2016, the performance of the technicians was quite low and indicated by the many complaints from clients. The new policy implemented in Center X since 2016, makes the technicians in the testing section have more responsibilities and finally the characteristics of their work in accordance with core job dimensions in the job characteristics model concept. The existence of considerable changes in the characteristics of his work did not make the technicians become stressed and burdened. The technicians showed the opposite, as seen from the achievement of the sample testing output targets which increased drastically from previous years. Even a number of frequent complaints from clients regarding testing delays, this year have decreased. The technicians mostly show a positive attitude towards changing their work characteristics so they tend to have high satisfaction due to the policy changes that occur. The purpose of this study was to get a picture of job satisfaction in the technicians in the testing section. The research method used is descriptive statistical analysis with a population of 38 people. The measuring instrument used was compiled by researchers by adapting the Job Diagnostics Survey (JDS) measuring instrument from Hackman and Oldham (1975). The results showed the most dominant job satisfaction profiles of the technicians were in the high category, namely 27 technicians (71.05%). Then there were 9 technicians (23.68%) in the medium category, and there were 2 technicians (5.26%) in the very high category.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/11775/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Psikologi
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2018); 1126-1130
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2018); 1126-1130
dc.source 2460-6448
dc.subject psikologi
dc.subject Kepuasan Kerja, Job Characteristics Model, Teknisi
dc.subject Kepuasan Kerja, Job Characteristics Model, Teknisi
dc.title Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Kerja pada Teknisi Seksi Pengujian di Balai X Bandung
dc.title Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Kerja pada Teknisi Seksi Pengujian di Balai X Bandung
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type kuantitatif

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