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Pengaruh Mindfulness terhadap Adolescent Well-Being pada Remaja di Pondok Pesantren Yatim Dhuafa Al-Kasyaf

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dc.contributor Fakultas Psikologi
dc.creator Aulia, Rizka
dc.creator Rahayu, Makmuroh Sri
dc.creator Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
dc.date 2019-08-09
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/18309
dc.description Abstract. Adolescence is considered a period of storm and stress which states that adolescence is a turbulent period characterized by conflict and mood swings. However, adolescence is a period of development that is significant and easily educated because of the positive characteristics, attitudes and many behaviors which among them are developed in adolescence which can lead to a state of well being. Improving adolescent well being can be done by a mechanism called mindfulness. The researcher found the phenomenon of mindfulness and adolescent well being at PPYD Al-Kasyaf. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data regarding the effect of mindfulness on adolescent well-being on adolescents in Al Kasyaf Cileunyi Yatim and Dhuafa Islamic Boarding Schools. The measurement tool used was Child And Adolescent Mindfulness Measure constructed by Baer, et al (2006) to measure mindfulness and The EPOCH Measure constructed by Kern et al. (2016) to measure adolescent well being in 52 adolescence respondents. The researcher used a simple regression analysis technique with the results of the regression coefficient value of positive value of 1.113 and based on the results of the determination test obtained R square = 55.9%. These results indicate that mindfulness has a positive influence on adolescent well being.Keywords: Adolescent, Mindfulness, Adolescent Well-Being Abstrak. Masa remaja dianggap sebagai masa storm dan stress yang menyatakan bahwa remaja merupakan masa yang bergejolak yang diwarnai oleh konflik dan perubahan suasana hati. Namun, masa remaja adalah periode perkembangan yang siginifkan dan mudah dididik karena karakteristik positif, sikap dan perilaku banyak yang diantaranya dikembangkan pada masa remaja yang dapat mengarahkan pada keadaan well being. Meningkatkan well-being remaja atau adolescent well being dapat dilakukan dengan adanya mekanisme yang disebut dengan mindfulness. Peneliti menemukan fenomena mindfulness dan adolescent well being di PPYD Al-Kasyaf. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data empiris mengenai pengaruh mindfulness terhadap adolescent well-being pada remaja di Pondok Pesantren Yatim dan Dhuafa Al Kasyaf Cileunyi. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Child And Adolescent Mindfulness Measure yang dikonstruksi oleh Baer, dkk (2006) untuk mengukur mindfulness dan The EPOCH Measure yang dikonstruksi oleh Kern, dkk (2016) untuk mengukur adolescent well being pada 52 responden remaja. Peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana dengan hasil nilai koefisien regresi bernilai positif sebesar 1,113 dan berdasarkan hasil uji determinasi didapatkan R square = 55,9%. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa mindfulness mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap adolescent well being.Kata Kunci: Remaja, Mindfulness, Adolescent Well Being
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/18309/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2019 Prosiding Psikologi
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 5, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2019); 922-929
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 5, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2019); 922-929
dc.source 2460-6448
dc.subject Psikologi
dc.subject Remaja, Mindfulness, Adolescent Well Being
dc.title Pengaruh Mindfulness terhadap Adolescent Well-Being pada Remaja di Pondok Pesantren Yatim Dhuafa Al-Kasyaf
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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