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Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan dari Al-Qur’an Surat An-Nuur Ayat 58-60 Tentang Adab Meminta Izin Masuk Kamar

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dc.contributor Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
dc.creator Lailasari, Fajar
dc.creator Enoh, Enoh
dc.creator Surbiantoro, Eko
dc.date 2018-08-07
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pai/article/view/11750
dc.description Abstract. Allah gives humanity the form of intelligent as a tool in seeking the ultimate truth, which is to return to Allah. On the way to Allah, intelligent must join with a clean heart as away to live and believe in the existence of The Creator. A clean heart is a good character and the way to get it is through a process of formation that starts from his daily life. One of the manners that must be instilled in the child is about culture in asking permission. Therefor, this study aims are: (1) To know the opinion of the commentators about QS An-Nuur verse 58-60 (2) To know the essence of the exegetes about QS An-Nuur verse 58-60 (3) To know the opinion of the education experts about adab ask for permission (4) To know the values of education and essence of QS An-Nuur verse 58-60. This study uses descriptive method of analysis with data collection techniques in the form of literature study which is the way of collecting data of various materials contained in the literature space. From this study, it can be concluded that there is an obligation for the children to ask permission first if they want to enter the parent's and enter the employer's room for their servants as well as for adults including other people. The essence of QS.An-Nuur 58-60 are: (1) The obligation of parents to give moral education to their children and servants to ask permission if they want to enter their private room to prevent visible aurat or conditions that should not be seen by others (2) It’s a must to ask permission first when going into his parent's room for a child who has not balig and to his employer for a servant at three times ie before prayer shubuh, dzuhur time, and after prayer 'isya (3) Obligation for children who are already balig and for those who are free to ask prior permission to enter the parent's or other person's room at all times. (4) For an elderly woman who has not invited lust for the opposite sex, may loosen their clothes so that their aurat are not completely covered (5) These three verses are ethical guidance in a family favored by Allah SWT. The educational values of the QS. An-Nuur 58-60 is: (1) Culture asks for permission especially related to the privacy of a person (2) Everyone should have concern for the circumstances surrounding him (3) In a household must have a mutually agreed regulation (4) The regulation on permission is a syar'iat that Islam establishes in every family in order to receive His blessings. (5) The stages in educating it are tailored to the stage of development (6) Every syari'ah or rule needs to be explained the accompanying reason so it must be obeyed.Keywords:Adab, Permission, An-Nuur Verse 58-60.Abstrak. Allah memberikan manusia kemuliaan berupa akal sebagai alat dalam mencari kebenaran yang hakiki, yaitu kembali kepada Allah. Dalam perjalanan menuju Allah, akal harus bergabung dengan hati yang bersih sebagai cara untuk menghayati dan meyakini keberadaan Sang Pencipta. Hati yang bersih tersebut merupakan akhlak yang baik dan cara memperolehnya adalah dengan melalui proses pembentukan yang bermula dari adab kesehariannya. Salah satu adab yang harus ditanamkan pada diri anak adalah mengenai adab dalam meminta izin. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Untuk mengetahui pendapat para mufasir tentang Q.S An-Nuur ayat 58-60 (2) Untuk mengetahui esensi dari para mufasir tentang Q.S An-Nuur ayat 58-60 (3) Untuk mengetahui apa pendapat para ahli pendidikan tentang adab meminta izin masuk kamar(4) Untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan dan esensi dari Q.S An-Nuur ayat 58-60. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi kepustakaan yaitu cara pengumpulan data bermacam-macam material yang terdapat di ruang kepustakaan. Dari penelitian ini, diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan yaitu : bahwa terdapat kewajiban untuk meminta izin terlebih dahulu apabila hendak memasuki kamar orangtua bagi anaknya dan memasuki kamar majikan bagi para pelayannya serta bagi orang dewasa termasuk orang asing lainnya. Esensi QS.An-Nuur 58-60 : (1)Kewajiban orangtua memberikan pendidikan akhlak kepada anaknya dan pelayannya untuk meminta izin apabila hendak memasuki kamar pribadi mereka untuk mencegah terlihatnya aurat atau kondisi yang tidak seharusnya dilihat orang lain (2) Keharusan meminta izin terlebih dahulu ketika hendak memasuki kamar orangtuanya bagi seorang anak yang belum balig dan kepada majikannya bagi seorang pelayan pada tiga waktu yaitu sebelum shalat shubuh, waktu dzuhur, dan setelah shalat ‘isya (3) Kewajiban bagi anak yang sudah balig dan bagi mereka yang merdeka untuk meminta izin terlebih dahulu ketika hendak memasuki kamar orangtuanya atau orang lain pada setiap waktu (4) Dikhususkan untuk perempuan yang sudah lanjut usia dan sudah tidak mengundang syahwat bagi lawan jenisnya, boleh melonggarkan pakaiannya sehingga auratnya tidak tertutup sempurna (5) Ketiga ayat tersebut merupakan tuntunan beretika dalam keluarga yang disyari’atkan oleh Allah SWT.  Nilai-nilai pendidikan dari QS. An-Nuur 58-60 adalah : (1) Adab meminta izin terutama yang berkaitan dengan privasi seseorang (2) Setiap orang harus punya kepedulian terhadap situasi dan kondisi di sekitarnya (3) Dalam sebuah rumah tangga harus memiliki peraturan yang disepakati bersama (4) Peraturan tentang izin itu merupakan syar’iat yang ditetapkan Islam dalam setiap keluarga agar mendapat karunia-Nya (5)Tahapan dalam mendidik itu disesuaikan dengan tahap perkembangan (6) Setiap syari’at atau aturan perlu dijelaskan alasan yang menyertainya sehingga harus ditaati.Kata Kunci:Adab, Izin, An-Nuur ayat 58-60.
dc.description Abstract. Allah gives humanity the form of intelligent as a tool in seeking the ultimate truth, which is to return to Allah. On the way to Allah, intelligent must join with a clean heart as away to live and believe in the existence of The Creator. A clean heart is a good character and the way to get it is through a process of formation that starts from his daily life. One of the manners that must be instilled in the child is about culture in asking permission. Therefor, this study aims are: (1) To know the opinion of the commentators about QS An-Nuur verse 58-60 (2) To know the essence of the exegetes about QS An-Nuur verse 58-60 (3) To know the opinion of the education experts about adab ask for permission (4) To know the values of education and essence of QS An-Nuur verse 58-60. This study uses descriptive method of analysis with data collection techniques in the form of literature study which is the way of collecting data of various materials contained in the literature space. From this study, it can be concluded that there is an obligation for the children to ask permission first if they want to enter the parent's and enter the employer's room for their servants as well as for adults including other people. The essence of QS.An-Nuur 58-60 are: (1) The obligation of parents to give moral education to their children and servants to ask permission if they want to enter their private room to prevent visible aurat or conditions that should not be seen by others (2) It’s a must to ask permission first when going into his parent's room for a child who has not balig and to his employer for a servant at three times ie before prayer shubuh, dzuhur time, and after prayer 'isya (3) Obligation for children who are already balig and for those who are free to ask prior permission to enter the parent's or other person's room at all times. (4) For an elderly woman who has not invited lust for the opposite sex, may loosen their clothes so that their aurat are not completely covered (5) These three verses are ethical guidance in a family favored by Allah SWT. The educational values of the QS. An-Nuur 58-60 is: (1) Culture asks for permission especially related to the privacy of a person (2) Everyone should have concern for the circumstances surrounding him (3) In a household must have a mutually agreed regulation (4) The regulation on permission is a syar'iat that Islam establishes in every family in order to receive His blessings. (5) The stages in educating it are tailored to the stage of development (6) Every syari'ah or rule needs to be explained the accompanying reason so it must be obeyed.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pai/article/view/11750/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam
dc.source Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam; Vol 4, No 2, Pendidikan Agama Islam (Agustus, 2018); 150-154
dc.source Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam; Vol 4, No 2, Pendidikan Agama Islam (Agustus, 2018); 150-154
dc.source 2460-6413
dc.subject Pendidikan Agama Islam
dc.subject Adab, Izin, An-Nuur ayat 58-60
dc.subject Keywords:Adab, Permission, An-Nuur Verse 58-60.
dc.title Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan dari Al-Qur’an Surat An-Nuur Ayat 58-60 Tentang Adab Meminta Izin Masuk Kamar
dc.title Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Dari Al-Qur’an Surat An-Nuur Ayat 58-60 Tentang Adab Meminta Izin Masuk Kamar
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif
dc.type Penelitian dengan Pendekatan Kualitatif

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