Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Jual Beli Ikan dengan Sistem Galatama (Studi Kasus di Pemancingan Margaluyu Cimahi)

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dc.contributor Fakultas Syariah
dc.creator Yuniawati, Nida
dc.creator Abdurrahman, M.
dc.creator Sulistiani, Siska Lis
dc.date 2018-07-29
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-22T06:31:42Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-22T06:31:42Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum_ekonomi_syariah/article/view/10728
dc.identifier.uri http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum_ekonomi_syariah/article/view/10728
dc.description Abstract. The buying and selling activities in Islam are conducted on the basis of mutual pleasure and mutual benefit. All muamalah activities are allowed in Islam. In principle, buying and selling in Islam must be free from elements Jihalah (unclear), Gharar (deceit), and Maysir (gambling) which will result in one party injured then the sale is not legitimate. One example of buying and selling activities is buying and selling fish with galatama system in Pemajingan Margaluyu Cimahi. Buying and selling fish with a different galatama system with the sale and purchase of fish in general. How to buy fish in pool according to Islamic law? How about the sale and purchase of fish in a pool with galatama system? How about Islam Islamic law against the practice of buying and selling fish with galatama system in fishing Cimahi margaluyu? The research method used by writer is qualitative method and research type used in this research is library research, and this research is juridical normative. The data sources used are secondary data sources and data collection techniques consist of interviews, documentation and literature studies. Data analysis used is qualitative data analysis. The conclusion obtained is the result of this study is known that, buying and selling fish with galatama system in Cimahi Margaluyu fishing invalid, because it is not in accordance with the concept of buying and selling in Islamic law. And the existence of the aggrieved party because of the element of gharar (unclear), maysir because of the gifts obtained and the inability of the delivery of the object of the fish to the buyer.Keywords: Islamic Law, Purchase and Sale, Galatama System. Abstrak. Kegiatan jual beli dalam Islam dilakukan atas dasar saling ridha dan menguntungkan. Segala aktivitas muamalah diperbolehkan dalam Islam. Pada prinsipnya jual beli dalam islam harus terbebas dari unsur Jihalah (ketidakjelasaan), Gharar (tipu daya), serta Maysir (judi) yang akan mengakibatkan salah satu pihak dirugikan maka jual beli tersebut tidak sah. Salah satu contoh kegiatan jual beli yaitu jual beli ikan dengan sistem galatama di Pemancingan Margaluyu Cimahi. Jual beli ikan dengan sistem galatama berbeda dengan jual beli ikan pada umumnya. Bagaimana jual beli ikan dalam kolam menurut hukum islam? Bagaimana pelaksanaan jual beli ikan dalam kolam dengan sistem galatama? Bagaimana Tinjuan hukum islam terhadap praktek  jual beli ikan dengan sistem galatama di pemancingan margaluyu Cimahi? Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode kualitatif dan jenis penelitian  yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian pustaka (library research), dan penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data sekunder dan teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis data kualitatif. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa, jual beli ikan dengan sistem galatama di pemancingan Margaluyu Cimahi tidak sah, karena tidak sesuai dengan konsep jual beli dalam hukum Islam. Serta adanya pihak yang dirugikan karena adanya unsur gharar (ketidakjelasaan), maysir karena adanya hadiah yang diperoleh dan ketidakmampuan penyerahan objek yaitu ikan kepada pembeli.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Jual Beli, Sistem Galatama
dc.description Abstract. The buying and selling activities in Islam are conducted on the basis of mutual pleasure and mutual benefit. All muamalah activities are allowed in Islam. In principle, buying and selling in Islam must be free from elements Jihalah (unclear), Gharar (deceit), and Maysir (gambling) which will result in one party injured then the sale is not legitimate. One example of buying and selling activities is buying and selling fish with galatama system in Pemajingan Margaluyu Cimahi. Buying and selling fish with a different galatama system with the sale and purchase of fish in general. How to buy fish in pool according to Islamic law? How about the sale and purchase of fish in a pool with galatama system? How about Islam Islamic law against the practice of buying and selling fish with galatama system in fishing Cimahi margaluyu? The research method used by writer is qualitative method and research type used in this research is library research, and this research is juridical normative. The data sources used are secondary data sources and data collection techniques consist of interviews, documentation and literature studies. Data analysis used is qualitative data analysis. The conclusion obtained is the result of this study is known that, buying and selling fish with galatama system in Cimahi Margaluyu fishing invalid, because it is not in accordance with the concept of buying and selling in Islamic law. And the existence of the aggrieved party because of the element of gharar (unclear), maysir because of the gifts obtained and the inability of the delivery of the object of the fish to the buyer.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Prosiding Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
dc.publisher Prosiding Keuangan & Perbankan Syariah
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum_ekonomi_syariah/article/view/10728/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
dc.source Prosiding Hukum Ekonomi Syariah; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Agustus, 2018); 769-775
dc.source Prosiding Keuangan & Perbankan Syariah; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Agustus, 2018); 769-775
dc.source 2460-2159
dc.subject Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
dc.subject Hukum Islam, Jual Beli, Sistem Galatama
dc.subject Islamic Law, Purchase and Sale, Galatama System.
dc.title Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Jual Beli Ikan dengan Sistem Galatama (Studi Kasus di Pemancingan Margaluyu Cimahi)
dc.title Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Jual Beli Ikan Dengan Sistem Galatama (Studi Kasus Di Pemancingan Margaluyu Cimahi)
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif
dc.type kualitatif

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