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Pencatatan Ciptaan E-Hak Cipta dan Kedudukan Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan dalam Menjamin Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pencipta Menurut Undang – Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta

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dc.contributor Fakultas Hukum
dc.creator Hutabarat, M. Jeffry Stanzah
dc.creator Ramli, Tatty A.
dc.date 2018-07-30
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-10T01:29:57Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-10T01:29:57Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum/article/view/10895
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/20487
dc.description Abstract. Copyright is a scope of Intellectual Property encompassing science, art, and literature. Copyright protection uses a declarative registration system that is, the right is granted to the creator as soon as his work is realized and declared. Unlike Intellectual Property Rights such as brand rights and patents that use a constitutive registration system, it is necessary to first register the work of the copy. In a declarative registration system, the rights of the creator are still open for a claim by another party or third party. That way the Creator and the copyright holder need evidence in the form  a document of proof of ownership of the right to be able to prove the copyrighted work is his possession. So if the claim by the other party, the burden of proof is on the creator. For this reason, the new copyright law number 28 of 2014 regulates the recording of a work, in which the creator may apply for the recording of a work which is subsequently entrusted with a record of creation. The problem is still a lot of people's perception that recording creation is an obligation to get the copyright, whereas the granting of copyright is given automatically when a creation is realized and announced.The method of the approach taken in this research is the normative juridical approach, which is done against the rules and principles contained in the material of primary, secondary, and tertiary law. The research specification is analytical descriptive describes, describes and describes the provisions contained in law number 28 of 2014 on copyright and intellectual property law. Methods and techniques of data collection The data collection is done by literature study and interview. The result of the study that the letter of creation does not endorse the contents, meaning, purpose, and purpose of the created work, this document serves only as a preliminary evidence when a dispute arises. That's because copyright is automatically given since the creation is realized and announced.Keywords: Copyright, Copyright Protection, Registration System, Certificate of Ownership.Abstrak.  Hak Cipta merupakan ruang lingkup dari Kekayaan Intelektual yang meliputi ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra. Perlindungan hak cipta menggunakan sistem pendaftaran secara deklaratif yaitu, hak diberikan kepada pencipta segera setelah karyanya di wujudkan dan diumumkan. Berbeda dengan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual seperti hak merek dan hak paten yang menggunakan sistem pendaftaran konstitutif, mengharuskan untuk mendaftarkan terlebih dahulu karya ciptanya. Dalam sistem pendaftaran deklaratif hak pencipta masih terbuka untuk di klaim oleh pihak lain atau pihak ketiga. Dengan begitu Pencipta dan pemegang hak cipta membutuhkan alat bukti berupa dokumen bukti kepemilikan hak untuk dapat membuktikan karya cipta tersebut merupakan kepunyaannya. Sehingga kalau di klaim oleh pihak lain, beban pembuktian ada pada pencipta. Untuk itu undang-undang hak cipta baru nomor 28 tahun 2014 mengatur tentang pencatatan ciptaan, dimana pencipta bisa mengajukan permohonan pencatatan ciptaan yang kemudian mendapat surat pencatatan ciptaan. Permasalahannya masih banyak persepsi masyarakat yang menganggap pencatatan ciptaan merupakan kewajiban untuk mendapatkan hak cipta, padahal pemberian hak cipta diberikan secara otomatis ketika suatu ciptaan di wujudkan dan diumumkan. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan secara yuridis normatif, yaitu dilakukan terhadap kaidah-kaidah dan asas-asas yang terdapat  dalam bahan hukum primer, sekunder, maupun tertier. Spesifikasi penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis menggambarkan, menguraikan dan memaparkan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam undang-undang nomor 28 tahun 2014 tentang hak cipta dan hukum kekayaan intelektual. Metode dan teknik pengumpulan data Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian bahwasannya surat pencatatan ciptaan tidak mengesahkan isi, arti, maksud dan tujuan dari ciptaan yang di catatkan, dokumen ini hanya berfungsi sebagai bukti awal ketika terjadi sengketa. Yang dikarenakan hak cipta diberikan secara otomatis sejak ciptaan tersebut diwujudkan dan diumumkanKata Kunci : Hak Cipta, Perlindungan Hak Cipta, Sistem Pendaftaran, Surat Bukti Kepemilikan.
dc.description Copyright is a scope of Intellectual Property encompassing science, art, and literature. Copyright protection uses a declarative registration system that is, the right is granted to the creator as soon as his work is realized and declared. Unlike Intellectual Property Rights such as brand rights and patents that use a constitutive registration system, it is necessary to first register the work of the copy. In a declarative registration system, the rights of the creator are still open for a claim by another party or third party. That way the Creator and the copyright holder need evidence in the form  a document of proof of ownership of the right to be able to prove the copyrighted work is his possession. So if the claim by the other party, the burden of proof is on the creator. For this reason, the new copyright law number 28 of 2014 regulates the recording of a work, in which the creator may apply for the recording of a work which is subsequently entrusted with a record of creation. The problem is still a lot of people's perception that recording creation is an obligation to get the copyright, whereas the granting of copyright is given automatically when a creation is realized and announced.The method of the approach taken in this research is the normative juridical approach, which is done against the rules and principles contained in the material of primary, secondary, and tertiary law. The research specification is analytical descriptive describes, describes and describes the provisions contained in law number 28 of 2014 on copyright and intellectual property law. Methods and techniques of data collection The data collection is done by literature study and interview. The result of the study that the letter of creation does not endorse the contents, meaning, purpose, and purpose of the created work, this document serves only as a preliminary evidence when a dispute arises. That's because copyright is automatically given since the creation is realized and announcedKeywords: Copyright, copyright protection, registration system, certificate of ownership
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum/article/view/10895/pdf
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum/article/downloadSuppFile/10895/2219
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/hukum/article/downloadSuppFile/10895/2220
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Ilmu Hukum
dc.source Prosiding Ilmu Hukum; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Ilmu Hukum (Agustus, 2018); 776-781
dc.source Prosiding Ilmu Hukum; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Ilmu Hukum (Agustus, 2018); 776-781
dc.source 2460-643X
dc.subject Ilmu Hukum
dc.subject Hak Cipta, Perlindungan Hak Cipta, Sistem Pendaftaran, Surat Bukti Kepemilikan
dc.title Pencatatan Ciptaan E-Hak Cipta dan Kedudukan Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan dalam Menjamin Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pencipta Menurut Undang – Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif

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