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Evaluasi Kerja Unit Crushing Plant dalam Upaya Pencapaian Target Produksi Andesit di CV Panghegar, Desa Cilalawi, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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dc.contributor Fakultas Teknik
dc.creator Sugiarto, Retno
dc.creator Widayati, Sri
dc.creator Muchsin, A Machali
dc.date 2018-08-09
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T01:24:24Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T01:24:24Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/view/13211
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/22342
dc.description Abstract. CV Panghegar is one of the companies engaged in andesite mining materials located at Mt. Patapaan, Cilalawi Village, Sukatani Subdistrict, Purwakarta Regency, West Jawa Province. Mining activity in this company performed by blasting process, then transported by using dump truck into crushing plant unit that conducting reduction process. Production target of this company is 15,000 tons/month, which consists of split 1-2, split 2-3 and stone ash. Production target that expected by this company doesn’t achieved as it should be. It happens due to the obstacles that can be avoided or unavoidable generated from human resource factors, machinery factors and others. Some obstacles that occur such as undisciplined employees who do not comply with the work schedule, unresponsive handling to repair the damaged equipment, incompatibility of material size with maximum feed size of crusher equipment , improper equipment caused by  lack of maintenance, bad weather and electrical problem that lead to terminated production process. This research indicated that actual production is currently only able to reach 13,486.6 tons/month. It influenced by human factor obstacles of 0.23 hours/day, obstacle from first equipment is 1.96 hours/day, obstacle from second equipment is 3.81 hours/day, obstacle  from third equipment is 2.49 hours/day and average work efficiency is 65.49%. However, minimizing the obstacle time of first equipment become 1.46 hours/day may result in increased production to 15,017.15 tons/month so that production targets can be achieved.Keywords: Crushing Plant, Performance Evaluation, Production. Abstrak. CV Panghegar merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan bahan galian andesit yang berlokasi di Gunung Patapaan, Desa Cilalawi, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Aktivitas penambangan di perusahaan ini dilakukan dengan cara peledakan yang kemudian diangkut dengan menggunakan dump truck untuk dilakukan proses reduksi ukuran pada unit crushing plant. Perusahaan ini memiliki target produksi sebanyak 15.000 ton/bulan untuk keseluruhan dari produk yang akan dipasarkannya yang terdiri dari split 1-2, split 2-3 dan abu batu. Target produksi yang diharapkan perusahaan ternyata tidak dapat tercapai. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya hambatan baik itu dapat dihindari maupun tidak dapat dihindari yang berasal dari faktor manusia, faktor alat dan faktor lainnya. Beberapa contoh hambatan yang terjadi yaitu pegawai yang tidak mematuhi jadwal kerja semestinya, lambatnya penanganan terhadap alat yang rusak, tersangkutnya material saat proses pengolahan dikarenakan ukuran yang tidak sesuai dengan maximum feed size alat, kondisi alat yang kurang baik akibat minimnya perawatan, hujan lebat dan terputusnya aliran listrik yang menyebabkan kegiatan produksi harus dihentikan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa produksi aktual saat ini hanya mampu mencapai 13.486,6 ton/bulan. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi hambatan oleh faktor manusia sebanyak 0,23 jam/hari, hambatan oleh faktor alat 1 sebanyak 1,96 jam/hari, hambatan oleh faktor alat 2 sebanyak 3,81 jam/hari, hambatan oleh faktor alat 3 sebanyak 2,49 jam/hari dan efisiensi kerja rata-rata sebesar 65,49%. Namun, dengan meminimalkan waktu hambatan alat 1 menjadi 1,46 jam/hari dapat membuat produksi meningkat menjadi sebesar 15.017,15 ton/bulan sehingga target produksi dapat tercapai.Kata Kunci : Crushing plant, Evaluasi Kerja, Produksi.
dc.description Abstract. CV Panghegar is one of the companies engaged in andesite mining materials located at Mt. Patapaan, Cilalawi Village, Sukatani Subdistrict, Purwakarta Regency, West Jawa Province. Mining activity in this company performed by blasting process, then transported by using dump truck into crushing plant unit that conducting reduction process. Production target of this company is 15,000 tons/month, which consists of split 1-2, split 2-3 and stone ash. Production target that expected by this company doesn’t achieved as it should be. It happens due to the obstacles that can be avoided or unavoidable generated from human resource factors, machinery factors and others. Some obstacles that occur such as undisciplined employees who do not comply with the work schedule, unresponsive handling to repair the damaged equipment, incompatibility of material size with maximum feed size of crusher equipment , improper equipment caused by  lack of maintenance, bad weather and electrical problem that lead to terminated production process. This research indicated that actual production is currently only able to reach 13,486.6 tons/month. It influenced by human factor obstacles of 0.23 hours/day, obstacle from first equipment is 1.96 hours/day, obstacle from second equipment is 3.81 hours/day, obstacle  from third equipment is 2.49 hours/day and average work efficiency is 65.49%. However, minimizing the obstacle time of first equipment become 1.46 hours/day may result in increased production to 15,017.15 tons/month so that production targets can be achieved.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/view/13211/pdf
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/downloadSuppFile/13211/2846
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Agustus, 2018); 624-631
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Agustus, 2018); 624-631
dc.source 2460-6499
dc.subject Teknik Pertambangan
dc.subject Crushing plant, Evaluasi Kerja, Produksi
dc.subject Crushing Plant, Performance Evaluation, Production
dc.title Evaluasi Kerja Unit Crushing Plant dalam Upaya Pencapaian Target Produksi Andesit di CV Panghegar, Desa Cilalawi, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Provinsi Jawa Barat
dc.title Evaluasi Kerja Unit Crushing Plant Dalam Upaya Pencapaian Target Produksi Andesit Di CV Panghegar, Desa Cilalawi, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Provinsi Jawa Barat
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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