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Optimalisasi Rancangan Pentahapan Penambangan Batubara untuk Pencapaian Target Produksi di PT Truba Bara Banyu Enim Blok Lekukam Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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dc.contributor Fakultas Teknik
dc.creator Fadilah, Al Imam Achmad
dc.creator Munir, Stefano
dc.creator Zaenal, Zaenal
dc.date 2019-01-24
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T01:34:34Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T01:34:34Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/view/14448
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/22437
dc.description Abstract. The design stages of mining (pushback) is a form of mining that shows a process of the mine openings from the beginning to the end of the mine, in the absence of the draft stages of mining then the results of the mining activities will not be in line with expectations. Therefore, it is necessary to know the stages of mining, the Amount of resources on the final design of the mine, and know the cost of material overburden and coal based on the stages of mining. The first year total production of coal amounted to 866.811,6004 tons of material and overburden of 3031289.541 BCM, the second year the total production of coal amounted to 857.439,4654 tons of material and overburden of 3.108.844,741 BCM, the third year the amount of coal production amounted to 850.227,9893 tons of material and overburden of 959.214,2207 BCM, the fourth year of the total production of coal amounted to 826.761,047 tons of material and overburden of 2.570.105,7 BCM, the fifth year of the total production of coal amounted to 828.421,1988 tons of material and overburden of 2.088.136,188 BCM, the sixth year of the total production of coal amounted to 874.334,9923 tons of material and overburden of 1.692.434,857 BCM, the seventh year of the total production of coal amounted to 844.163,6414 tons of material and overburden of 614.231,5743 BCM. the eighth year of the total production of coal amounted to 866.811,6004 tons of material and overburden of 1.017.899,218 BCM, the ninth year of the amount of coal production amounted to 835.973,5454 tons of material and overburden of 404.361,3944 BCM, the tenth year of the amount of coal production amounted to 818.501,2788 tons of material and overburden of 707.756,6426 BCM, the eleventh year of the total production of coal amounted to 835.771,5209 tons of material and overburden of 378.660,5978 BCM, the year of the twelfth total production of coal amounted to 604.351,6355 tons of material and overburden of 313.312,8084.Keywords: Mining phases, Draft stages of mining Abstrak. Rancangan tahapan penambangan (pushback) merupakan suatu bentuk penambangan yang menunjukan suatu proses bukaan tambang dari awal hingga akhir tambang, tanpa adanya rancangan tahapan penambangan maka hasil kegiatan penambangan tidak akan sesuai dengan harapan. Oleh sebab itu maka perlu diketahui tahapan penambangan, Jumlah sumberdaya pada rancangan akhir tambang, dan mengetahui perolehan material overburden dan batubara berdasarkan tahapan penambangan. Tahun pertama jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 866.811,6004 ton dan material overburden sebesar 3031289.541 BCM, tahun kedua jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 857.439,4654 ton dan material overburden sebesar 3.108.844,741 BCM, tahun ketiga jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 850.227,9893 ton dan material overburden sebesar 959.214,2207 BCM, tahun keempat jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 826.761,047 ton dan material overburden sebesar 2.570.105,7 BCM, tahun kelima jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 828.421,1988 ton dan material overburden sebesar 2.088.136,188 BCM, tahun keenam jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 874.334,9923 ton dan material overburden sebesar 1.692.434,857 BCM, tahun ketujuh jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 844.163,6414 ton dan material overburden sebesar 614.231,5743 BCM. tahun kedelapan jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 866.811,6004 ton dan material overburden sebesar 1.017.899,218 BCM, tahun kesembilan jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 835.973,5454 ton dan material overburden sebesar 404.361,3944 BCM, tahun kesepuluh jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 818.501,2788 ton dan material overburden sebesar 707.756,6426 BCM, tahun kesebelas jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 835.771,5209 ton dan material overburden sebesar 378.660,5978 BCM, tahun keduabelas jumlah produksi batubara sebesar 604.351,6355 ton dan material overburden sebesar 313.312,8084.Kata Kunci : Pentahapan Penambangan, Rancangan tahapan Penambangan
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/pertambangan/article/view/14448/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2019 Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 5, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Februari, 2019); 62-69
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 5, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Februari, 2019); 62-69
dc.source 2460-6499
dc.subject Teknik Pertambangan
dc.subject Pentahapan Penambangan, Rancangan tahapan Penambangan
dc.title Optimalisasi Rancangan Pentahapan Penambangan Batubara untuk Pencapaian Target Produksi di PT Truba Bara Banyu Enim Blok Lekukam Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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