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Perancangan Produk Kemasan Teh Gayung dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) (Studi Kasus Home Industri Produksi Teh Cap Gayung Cilawu Garut)

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dc.contributor Fakultas Teknik
dc.creator Kurniawan, Fadli Fajar
dc.creator Rahman, Nur
dc.creator Rukmana, Asep Nana
dc.date 2018-01-26
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T02:03:59Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T02:03:59Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/industri/article/view/9810
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/22793
dc.description Abstract. Intense competition will push company for improve variation product and keep quality and quantity product corresponding with demand consumers. The packaging is interesting could be lure consumer for buy it because no rarely decision for buy something product happen only because Terp engaruh by k dancing packaging. Home industry Tea Cap Gayung is industry manufacture tea dry located in Garut established by the father of H. Edi Jubae in. Packaging moment this only wrapped with Plastic clear with a logo that has been screened. Packaging it is tea entered into the Plastic size small sealed with use fire from candles. current packaging weakening that is design packaging less interesting, design has not been replaced since start, packaging no durable and easy torn, so company and consumer permit existence   change design packaging Tea Cap Gayung. Based on p the do repair to packaging Tea Cap Gayung corresponding with desire consumers. The method used Quality Function Deployment (QFD), comprises from 3 ( three ) phases, namely : planning product , planning components, process planning. H acil data processing and analysis obtained boxed an the latest with ingredients his impression of metal paper, combined from paper and almunium foil. Design more interesting with gradient warrna composed from color basic green, other colors are silver, yellow, black and white .Keywords: Tea Cap Gayung, Packaging, Q uality Function Deployment (QFD ) Abstrak. Persaingan yang ketat akan mendorong perusahaan untuk meningkatkan variasi produk serta menjaga kualitas dan kuantitas produk sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen. Kemasan yang menarik dapat menjadi pemikat konsumen untuk membelinya karena tidak jarang keputusan untuk membeli suatu produk terjadi hanya karena terpengaruh oleh kemasan yang menarik. Home industry Teh Cap Gayung merupakan industri pembuatan teh kering yang terletak di Garut didirikan oleh bapak H. Edi Jubaedi. Kemasan saat ini hanya dibungkus dengan plastik bening dengan logo yang telah disablon. Pengemasannya yaitu teh dimasukan kedalam plastik ukuran kecil yang dirapatkan dengan menggunakan api dari lilin. Kelemahan kemasan saat ini yaitu desain  kemasan kurang menarik, desain belum pernah diganti sejak awal, kemasan tidak tahan lama dan mudah sobek, sehingga perusahaan dan konsumen menginkan adanya  perubahan desain kemasan Teh Cap Gayung.  Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan perbaikan terhadap kemasan Teh Cap Gayung sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen. Metode yang digunakan Quality Function Deployment (QFD), terdiri dari 3 (tiga) fase, yaitu : perencanaan produk, perencanaan komponen, perencanaan proses. Hasil pengolahan data dan analisis didapatkan kemasan terbaru dengan bahan kemesannya paper metal, gabungan dari kertas dan almunium foil. Desain lebih menarik dengan gradiasi warrna terdiri dari warna dasar hijau, warna yang lainnya silver, kuning, hitam dan putihKata Kunci : Teh Cap Gayung, Kemasan, Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
dc.description Abstract. Intense competition will push company for improve variation product and keep quality and quantity product corresponding with demand consumers. The packaging is interesting could be lure consumer for buy it because no rarely decision for buy something product happen only because Terp engaruh by k dancing packaging. Home industry Tea Cap Gayung is industry manufacture tea dry located in Garut established by the father of H. Edi Jubae in. Packaging moment this only wrapped with Plastic clear with a logo that has been screened. Packaging it is tea entered into the Plastic size small sealed with use fire from candles. current packaging weakening that is design packaging less interesting, design has not been replaced since start, packaging no durable and easy torn, so company and consumer permit existence   change design packaging Tea Cap Gayung. Based on p the do repair to packaging Tea Cap Gayung corresponding with desire consumers. The method used Quality Function Deployment (QFD), comprises from 3 ( three ) phases, namely : planning product , planning components, process planning. H acil data processing and analysis obtained boxed an the latest with ingredients his impression of metal paper, combined from paper and almunium foil. Design more interesting with gradient warrna composed from color basic green, other colors are silver, yellow, black and white.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/industri/article/view/9810/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Teknik Industri
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Industri; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Industri (Februari, 2018); 49-57
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Industri; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Industri (Februari, 2018); 49-57
dc.source 2460-6502
dc.subject Teknik Industri
dc.subject Teh Cap Gayung, Kemasan, Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
dc.subject Tea Cap Gayung
dc.subject Tea Cap Gayung, Packaging, Q uality Function Deployment (QFD )
dc.title Perancangan Produk Kemasan Teh Gayung dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) (Studi Kasus Home Industri Produksi Teh Cap Gayung Cilawu Garut)
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type kuantitatif
dc.type Quality Function Deployment (QFD )

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