Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Usulan Perancangan Ukuran Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Metode Human Resource Scorecard (Studi Kasus di Cv. Kawani Tekno Nusantara)

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dc.contributor Fakultas Teknik
dc.creator Yusup, Rizki Maulana
dc.creator Dzikron, M.
dc.creator Mulyati, Dewi Shofi
dc.date 2019-01-26
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T02:06:40Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T02:06:40Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/industri/article/view/15868
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/22818
dc.description Abstract. CV. Kawani Tekno Nusantara is a manufacturing company engaged in spare parts. This company is improving quality and developing employee performance to become a competitive company. By using the Human Resource Scorecard method, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Traffic Light System, employee performance measurements that have never been done by this company will be found. The method of the Human Resource Scorecard is a method used to measure employee performance by linking human resources with the company's vision and mission by looking at fourth perspectives namely Human Resorce Efficiency, High Performance Work System, Human Resource System Alignment, Human Resource Deliverable. AHP method is used to determine the weight of values and inconsistency ratio. Traffic Light System is used to find out indicators of problems that need to be corrected as soon as possible by the company. The purpose of the research is to find employee performance indicators and look for perspective weights that have been done by employees. As well as giving a proposal to the company so that it can be used to achieve the company's vision and mission. From the research results, 11 KPIs were obtained from four perspectives, namely two KPI Human Resource Efficiency, four KPI High Performance Work System, three KPI Human Resource System Alignment, and two KPI High Deliverable. The results of measuring overall employee performance by 52% are categorized that employee performance has not yet reached the target, then improvements are needed.Keywords: Human Resource Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Traffic Light System.Abstrak. CV. Kawani Tekno Nusantara merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang suku cadang. CV. Kawani Tekno Nusantara sedang meningkatkan kualitas dan mengembangkan kinerja karyawan untuk menjadi perusahaan yang dapat bersaing. Dengan menggunakan metode Human Resource Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), dan Traffic Light System akan ditemukan pengukuran kinerja karyawan yang belum pernah dilakukan oleh perusahaan ini. Metode Human Resource Scorecard merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja karyawan dengan mengaitkan sumber daya manusia dengan visi dan misi perusahaan dengan meihat empat perspektif yaitu Human Resorce Efficiency, High Performance Work System, Human Resource System Alignment, Human Resource Deliverable. Metode AHP digunakan untuk mengetahui bobot nilai dan inconsistency ratio. Traffic Light System digunakan untuk mengetahui indikator permasalahan yang perlu diperbaiki secepatnya oleh perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu untuk mencari indikator kinerja karyawan dan mencari bobot perspektif yang telah dilakukan oleh karyawan. Serta memberikan usulan kepada perusahaan agar dapat digunakan untuk mencapai visi dan misi perusahaan. Dari hasil penelitian didapat 11 KPI yang didapat dari empat perspektif yaitu dua KPI Human Resource Efficiency, empat KPI High Performance Work System, tiga KPI Human Resource System Alignment, dan dua KPI High Deliverable. Hasil dari pengukuran kinerja karyawan keseluruhan sebesar 52% yang dikategorikan bahwa kinerja karyawan belum mencapai target maka diperlukan perbaikan.Kata kunci: Human Resource Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Traffic Light System
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/industri/article/view/15868/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2019 Prosiding Teknik Industri
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Industri; Vol 5, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Industri (Februari, 2019); 170 - 180
dc.source Prosiding Teknik Industri; Vol 5, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Industri (Februari, 2019); 170 - 180
dc.source 2460-6502
dc.subject Teknik Industri
dc.subject Human Resource Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Traffic Light System.
dc.title Usulan Perancangan Ukuran Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Metode Human Resource Scorecard (Studi Kasus di Cv. Kawani Tekno Nusantara)
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type kuantitatif

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