Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Strategi Word of Mouth dalam melakukan Branding Babakaran

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dc.contributor Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
dc.creator Olincia, Via
dc.date 2019-08-08
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/humas/article/view/17312
dc.description Abstract. In December 2015, the culinary industry in Bandung was enlivened by the arrival of a new brand called Babakaran. Owned by Faras, Babakaran shop sells Japanese special satay called taichan with local modifications. This can be seen from the menus presented which are very suitable with the market tastes of Bandung, such as chicken claws, chicken wings, chicken skin and many more, and the typical chili sauce is now an icon of Babakaran. Babakaran can sell up to 1000 satay sticks per day. At a young age, Babakaran is able to get a turnover of up to tens of millions every month. This is inseparable from the success of marketing carried out by the Babakaran team, one of which is the Word of Mouth method. Word of Mouth is the most effective and most effective way for Babakaran to introduce brands and sell their products. This study itself aims to determine the word of mouth strategy in doing Babakaran branding and how the effectiveness of word of mouth is done by the team. The author uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study through observation, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis techniques in this study refer to the concepts of Milles & Huberman (1992: 20), namely interactive models. The results obtained from this study Babakaran team used organic word of mouth and amplified word of mouth models. Organic word of mouth on brands Babakaran can happen to consumers who are satisfied with a product that they consume. The second word of mouth communication model is the Amplified word of mouth model. Some amplified word of mouth marketing activities are creating communities, developing tools or media that allow people to share opinions, using opinion leaders to promote products in the Babakaran brand offered, providing information about the brand to be a support that can be disseminated, using media assistance to build discussions about brands, make Babakaran's brand viral through individuals and social media.Keywords: strategic, effectiveness, word of mouthAbstrak. Pada bulanDesember 2015, industri kuliner di kota Bandung diramaikan dengan kedatangan brand baru bernama Babakaran. Dimilki oleh Faras, kedai Babakaran menjual sate khas Jepang bernama taichan dengan modifikasi lokal. Hal ini terlihat dari menu-menu yang disajikan sangat cocok dengan selera pasar kota Bandung, seperti ceker ayam, sayap ayam, kulit ayam dan masih banyak lagi, serta sambalnya yang khas kini menjadi icon dari Babakaran.Babakaran mampu menjual hingga 1000 tusuk sate perhari. Di usianya yang terhitung muda, Babakaran mampu mendapat omset hingga puluhan juta setiap bulannya.hal ini tak lepas dari keberhasilan marketing yang dilakukan oleh tim Babakaran, salah satunya dengan metodeWord of Mouth. Wordof Mouthmerupakan cara yang paling banyak serta paling efektif dilakukan oleh Babakaran dalam memperkenalkan brand dan menjual produknya. Penelitian ini sendiri bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi word of mouth dalam melakukan brandingBabakaran dan bagaimana efektivitas word of mouth yang dilakukan tim.Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data didalam penelitian ini mengacu pada konsep Milles & Huberman (1992: 20) yaitu interactive model. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini tim Babakaranmenggunakan model organic word of mouth dan amplified word of mouth. Organic word of mouth pada brand Babakaran dapat terjadi pada konsumen yang merasa puas pada sebuah produk yang ia konsumsi. Model komunikasi word of mouth yang kedua adalah model Amplified word of mouth. Beberapa aktifitas pemasaran amplified word of mouth adalah menciptakan komunitas, mengembangkan alat atau media yang memungkinkan orang untuk berbagi pendapat, menggunakan opinion leader untuk mempromosikan produk-produk dalam brand Babakaran yang ditawarkan, memberikan informasi-informasi seputar brand untuk menjadi pendukung yang dapat disebarkan, menggunakan bantuan media untuk membangun diskusi mengenai brand, membuat brand Babakaran menjadi viral lewat individu maupun media sosial.Kata kunci: stratategi, efektifitas, word of mouth.Abstract. In December 2015, the culinary industry in Bandung was enlivened by the arrival of a new brand called Babakaran. Owned by Faras, Babakaran shop sells Japanese special satay called taichan with local modifications. This can be seen from the menus presented which are very suitable with the market tastes of Bandung, such as chicken claws, chicken wings, chicken skin and many more, and the typical chili sauce is now an icon of Babakaran. Babakaran can sell up to 1000 satay sticks per day. At a young age, Babakaran is able to get a turnover of up to tens of millions every month. This is inseparable from the success of marketing carried out by the Babakaran team, one of which is the Word of Mouth method. Word of Mouth is the most effective and most effective way for Babakaran to introduce brands and sell their products                    This study itself aims to determine the word of mouth strategy in doing Babakaran branding and how the effectiveness of word of mouth is done by the team. The author uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study through observation, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis techniques in this study refer to the concepts of Milles & Huberman (1992: 20), namely interactive models                    The results obtained from this study Babakaran team used organic word of mouth and amplified word of mouth models. Organic word of mouth on brands Babakaran can happen to consumers who are satisfied with a product that they consume. The second word of mouth communication model is the Amplified word of mouth model. Some amplified word of mouth marketing activities are creating communities, developing tools or media that allow people to share opinions, using opinion leaders to promote products in the Babakaran brand offered, providing information about the brand to be a support that can be disseminated, using media assistance to build discussions about brands, make Babakaran's brand viral through individuals and social media. Keywords: strategic, effectiveness, word of mouth <w:LsdException Locked="
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat
dc.publisher Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/humas/article/view/17312/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2019 Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat
dc.source Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat; Vol 5, No 2, Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat (Agustus, 2019); 533-538
dc.source Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat; Vol 5, No 2, Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat (Agustus, 2019); 533-538
dc.source 2460-6510
dc.subject Hubungan Masyarakat
dc.subject stratategi, efektifitas, word of mouth
dc.title Strategi Word of Mouth dalam melakukan Branding Babakaran
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif

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