Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

A Case Study of of the Application of Environmental Journalism in Greenpeace Indonesia’s Youtube Account as the Media of Campaign for Forest Rescue in Indonesia

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dc.creator Kusumalestari, Ratri Rizki
dc.creator Kusumalestari, Ratri Rizki
dc.date 2016-02-19
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T03:00:32Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T03:00:32Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/view/2707
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/23279
dc.description Forest is an area that has plenty of dense vegetation that contains trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, mushrooms, and so forth. Forest also occupies large areas. In Indonesia, forest damage caused by timber industry is increasingly narrowing the natural forest. The transfer of functions (conversion) of forest to oil palm plantations also contributes greatly to the rapid deforestation. Such problems make the Greenpeace organization to move. Greenpeace Indonesia utilizes Youtube as one of media for their environmental journalism in the campaign of the forest saving in Indonesia. News about the environment resulted in a new understanding of the world of journalism is called environmental journalism. By using the case study method, this study describes the functions and principles of ethical journalism in the Youtube account of Greenpeace Indonesia. Based on this research, the application of ethical principles and functions of environmental journalism is able to provide references reporting system that puts truth to environment reporters and the people.
dc.description Hutan adalah suatu wilayah yang memiliki banyak tumbuh-tumbuhan lebat yang berisi antara lain pohon, semak, paku-pakuan, rumput, jamur dan lain sebagainya serta menempati daerah yang cukup luas. Di Indonesia kerusakan hutan disebabkan oleh industri kayu yang semakin mempersempit hutan alami. Pengalihan fungsi (konversi) hutan untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit juga memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap semakin derasnya laju deforestasi. Masalah tersebut membuat sebuah organisasi bernama Greenpeace bergerak. Greenpeace Indonesia, memanfaatkan media Youtube sebagai salah satu media massa yang menunjang prinsip jurnalisme lingkungan mereka dalam mengkampanyekan penyelamatan hutan di Indonesia. Pemberitaan mengenai lingkungan menghasilkan sebuah paham baru di dunia jurnalistik bernama jurnalisme lingkungan. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, fungsi dan juga prinsip-prinsip etis jurnalisme lingkungan dalam akun Youtube milik Greenpeace Indonesia dapat dijelaskan secara padat dan jelas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penerapan prinsip etis dan fungsi jurnalisme lingkungan mampu memberikan referensi sistem peliputan yang mengedepankan kebenaran bagi para pewarta lingkungan dan masyarakat luas. 
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language ind
dc.publisher Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.publisher Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/view/2707/pdf
dc.source Prosiding Jurnalistik; Vol 2, No 1, Prosiding Jurnalistik (Februari, 2016); 7-14
dc.source Prosiding Jurnalistik; Vol 2, No 1, Prosiding Jurnalistik (Februari, 2016); 7-14
dc.source 2460-6529
dc.subject Proceedings of Journalism
dc.subject Environment, Forests, Principles, Ethical, Functions, Case Studies, Greenpeace
dc.subject Jurnalistik
dc.subject Lingkungan, Hutan, Prinsip, Etis, Fungsi, Studi Kasus, Greenpeace
dc.title A Case Study of of the Application of Environmental Journalism in Greenpeace Indonesia’s Youtube Account as the Media of Campaign for Forest Rescue in Indonesia
dc.title Studi Kasus mengenai Penerapan Jurnalisme Lingkungan dalam Akun Youtube GreenpeaceIndonesia sebagai Media Kampanye Penyelamatan Hutan di Indonesia
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Qualitative
dc.type kualitatif

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