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Konstruksi Wartawan dalam Peliputan Foto Konflik Rohingya di Media Antarafoto.Com

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dc.contributor Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
dc.creator Muhammad, Aulia Farhan
dc.creator Yuniati, Yenni
dc.date 2018-09-28
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-12T03:00:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-12T03:00:39Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/view/12337
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/23382
dc.description Abstract: Humans come from different backgrounds – different, undeniable human being has its own way and pursues a career in the professions and in its future. Journalists are one of the professions of demanding honesty and Justice Web site from several sides because journalists are as one of information through the media for a broad audience in passing over the message through the media. A qualified journalist should master science communication good communication mass communications, psychology, sociology, philosophy of the social-cultural political communication. In this case, the responsibility of a journalist should always rest on the truth and has to be fought. Under no circumstances will a journalist sued for respect instinct and sense of the situation on the ground, one of which being a photojournalist in post-conflict areas in Rohingya. The photo is one of the media that deliver the messages that are contained in the image or visual so that the audience can sense how the condition described in the field by providing information through photos and expresses social criticism would a reality that is happening. The purpose of this research is how the author will examine how the construction of the meaning of a photojournalist in conflict areas in his Rohingya approach to qualitative phenomenology utilize Alfred Schutz's theory.The results of this study concluded that the construction of his photojournalists in conflict in this Antarafoto.com media Rohingya on the basis of the social awareness of the respective personal every senior photos by analyzing the situation and conditions in field armed with the experience of flying hours from every photojournalist in his, and became one of the witnesses of the life history of an event a conflict within the capture through the eyes of the lens as a tool of the submission of a message to the wider community.Keywords:        Social Construction, Meaning Reporter, Photo Coverage Of The Conflict, Phenomenology. Abstrak: Manusisa datang dari latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, tidak dapat dipungkiri manusia memiliki jalan dan profesi sendiri dalam meniti karir dan masa depanya. Wartawan adalah salah satu profesi dari yang menuntut kejujuran dan keadlian dari beberapa pihak sebab wartawan adalah sebagai slah satu infomasi melalui media bagi khalayak luas dalam penyampaian pesan melalui media. Wartawan yang berkualitas harus menguasis ilmu komunikasi baik komunikasi massa, psikologi komunikasi, sosiologi, filsafat komunikasi politik sosial budaya. Dalam hal ini tanggung jawab seorang wartawan harus selalu berpijak pada kebenaran dan harus diperjuangkan. Dalam kondisi apapun seorang wartawan dituntut untuk menjunjung insting dan kepekaanya terhadap situasi di lapangan salah satunya menjadi wartawan foto yang ditugaskan di daerah konflik Rohingya. Foto adalah salah satu media yang mengantarkan pesan yang terkandung di dalam gambar atau visual agar khalayak luas dapat merasakan bagaimana kondisi yang digambarkan di lapangan dengan memberikan informasi melalui foto dan mengutarakan kritik sosial akan sebuah realitas yang terjadi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalaha bagaimana penulis akan meneliti bagaimana konstruki makna seorang wartwan foto dalam peliputannya di daerah konflik Rohinghya dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi menggunakan teori Alferd Schutz.Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahawa konstruksi wartawan dalam pelipuutan foto konflik Rohingya di media Antarafoto.com ini atas dasar kesadaran sosial dari pribadi masing-masing setiap pewarta foto dengan menganalisis situasi dan kondisi di lapangan dengan bekal pengalaman jam terbang dari setiap wartawan foto dalam peliputannya, dan menjadi salah satu saksi hidup sejarah dari sebuah kejadian konflik yang terjadi dengan mengabadikannya melalui mata lensa sebagai alat penyampaian pesan kepada masyarakat luas.Kata Kunci: Konstruksi Sosial, Makna Wartawan, Peliputan Foto Konflik, Fenomenologi
dc.description Abstract: Humans come from different backgrounds – different, undeniable human being has its own way and pursues a career in the professions and in its future. Journalists are one of the professions of demanding honesty and Justice Web site from several sides because journalists are as one of information through the media for a broad audience in passing over the message through the media. A qualified journalist should master science communication good communication mass communications, psychology, sociology, philosophy of the social-cultural political communication. In this case, the responsibility of a journalist should always rest on the truth and has to be fought. Under no circumstances will a journalist sued for respect instinct and sense of the situation on the ground, one of which being a photojournalist in post-conflict areas in Rohingya. The photo is one of the media that deliver the messages that are contained in the image or visual so that the audience can sense how the condition described in the field by providing information through photos and expresses social criticism would a reality that is happening. The purpose of this research is how the author will examine how the construction of the meaning of a photojournalist in conflict areas in his Rohingya approach to qualitative phenomenology utilize Alfred Schutz's theory.The results of this study concluded that the construction of his photojournalists in conflict in this Antarafoto.com media Rohingya on the basis of the social awareness of the respective personal every senior photos by analyzing the situation and conditions in field armed with the experience of flying hours from every photojournalist in his, and became one of the witnesses of the life history of an event a conflict within the capture through the eyes of the lens as a tool of the submission of a message to the wider community. Keywords:    Social Construction, Meaning Reporter, Photo Coverage Of The Conflict, Phenomenology.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.publisher Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/view/12337/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2018 Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.source Prosiding Jurnalistik; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Jurnalistik (Agustus, 2018); 123-129
dc.source Prosiding Jurnalistik; Vol 4, No 2, Prosiding Jurnalistik (Agustus, 2018); 123-129
dc.source 2460-6529
dc.subject Jurnalistik
dc.subject Konstruksi Sosial, Makna Wartawan, Peliputan Foto Konflik, Fenomenologi
dc.title Konstruksi Wartawan dalam Peliputan Foto Konflik Rohingya di Media Antarafoto.Com
dc.title Konstruksi Wartawan dalam Peliputan Foto Konflik Rohingya di Media Antarafoto.com
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif

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