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Karakteristik Penderita Kanker Payudara Berdasarkan Usia, Riwayat Menopause dan Gambaran Histopatologi di RSUD Al-Ihsan Periode Agustus–November 2019

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dc.contributor Fakultas Kedokteran
dc.creator Ayubi, Cecep Moch Soleh Hudin Al
dc.creator Hasan, Abdul Hadi
dc.creator Damayanti, Meta Maulida
dc.date 2020-01-26
dc.date.accessioned 2020-07-13T03:18:03Z
dc.date.available 2020-07-13T03:18:03Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/dokter/article/view/20568
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/27437
dc.description Abstract. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. Based on data from the Prevalence of the Cancer Registration Board of the Indonesian Association of Pathology Specialists (IAPI) and the Indonesian Cancer Foundation (YKI) in 2013 the number of breast cancer patients in women reached 61,682 patients. Breast cancer is a malignancy in breast tissue that can change the ductus or lobules. Breast cancer is caused by many risk factors including age and history of menopause. Pathology examination is the gold standard for determining cancer diagnosis. This study aims to study the characteristics of breast cancer sufferers based on age, menopause history and histopathological features in Al-Ihsan  Hospital August-November 2019. This study uses a descriptive method, the research sample uses a random sample, taking samples of patients diagnosed with breast cancer listed at medical record data of the cancer center section of Al-Ihsan Regional Hospital period August-November 2019. The results of the study of 70 respondents showed the characteristics of breast cancer patients, namely the age group of breast cancer patients 46-55 years (54.3%), the history group had menopause (75 , 7%), and the most histopathological features are Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (78.6%). The conclusion of this study was that breast cancer was found at most ages 46-55 years, had a history of menopause and had the most diagnosed Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Keyword : age, breast cancer, histopatological appearance and  menopauseAbstrak. Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyakit penyebab kematian tertinggi pada wanita. Berdasarkan data Prevalensi Badan Registrasi Kanker Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI) dan Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) 2013 jumlah penderita kanker payudara pada wanita mencapai 61.682 penderita. Kanker payudara merupakan keganasan pada jaringan payudara yang dapat mengubah ductus atau lobulusnya. Kanker payudara disebabkan oleh banyak faktor risiko diantaranya usia dan riwayat menopause. Pemeriksaan patologi merupakan standar emas untuk menentukan diagnosis kanker. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mempelajari karakteristik penderita kanker payudara berdasarkan usia, riwayat menopause dan gambaran histopatologi di RSUD Al-Ihsan periode Agustus-November 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, sampel penelitian menggunakan sampel acak, mengambil sampel pasien yang terdiagnosis kanker payudara yang tertera di data rekam medis bagian cancer center RSUD Al-Ihsan periode Agustus-November 2019. Hasil penelitian dari 70 responden menunjukkan karakteristik penderita kanker payudara, yakni kelompok usia penderita kanker payudara 46-55 tahun (54,3%), kelompok riwayat sudah menopause (75,7%), dan gambaran histopatologi terbanyak Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (78,6%). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kanker payudara ditemukan paling banyak pada usia 46-55 tahun, mempunyai riwayat sudah menopause dan paling banyak didiagnosis Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Kata Kunci: gambar histopatologi, kanker payudara, riwayat menopause, usia
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/dokter/article/view/20568/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter
dc.source Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter; Vol 6, No 1, Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter (Februari, 2020); 185-188
dc.source Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter; Vol 6, No 1, Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter (Februari, 2020); 185-188
dc.source 2460-657X
dc.subject Pendidikan Kedokteran
dc.subject gambar histopatologi, kanker payudara, riwayat menopause, usia
dc.title Karakteristik Penderita Kanker Payudara Berdasarkan Usia, Riwayat Menopause dan Gambaran Histopatologi di RSUD Al-Ihsan Periode Agustus–November 2019
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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