Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Hubungan Self Construal dengan Online Impulsive Buying Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Bandung

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dc.contributor Fakultas Psikologi
dc.creator Nurbayani, Wilda
dc.creator N. Nugrahawati, Eni
dc.creator Dwarawati, Dinda
dc.date 2020-08-26
dc.date.accessioned 2021-03-15T03:37:43Z
dc.date.available 2021-03-15T03:37:43Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/24419
dc.identifier 10.29313/.v6i2.24419
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/28598
dc.description Abstract. The current availability of e-commerce makes it easier for users to transact, such as in terms of consumption or purchase of goods. According to the teachings of the Islamic religion, humans are prohibited from exaggerating. As a private university, Unisba has Islamic values with the hope that students can apply religious values in their daily lives such as in terms of consumption. One of the consumption behaviors carried out by UNISBA students is online shopping. The phenomenon of impulsive buying for online shopping at UNISBA itself is quite high. Judging from its geographic location, Indonesia is a collectivist country, which is assumed to have interdependent self-construals and a low value of impulsive buying. Individuals with interdependent self-construal have a low impulsive buying value because they have self-control, self-regulation and a high level of patience, meanwhile in UNISBA itself, even though students have shown interdependent self-construal characteristics, the phenomenon of impulsive buying among UNISBA students is still high. This study aims to determine how closely the relationship between self-construal and impulsive buying online shopping for UNISBA students. The sample in this study was 386 which were counted using the Slovin. Retrieval of data using impulsive buying measures from Verplanken & Herabadi, (2003) and Self Construal from Singelis, (1994). The results showed a weak relationship between self-construal and impulsive buying on UNISBA students.Keywords : Self Construal, Online Impulsive Buying, College Student.Abstrak. Ketersediaan e-commerce saat ini memudahkan pengguna dalam bertransaksi seperti dalam hal konsumsi atau pembelian barang. Menurut ajaran Agama Islam, manusia  dilarang untuk berlebih-lebihan. Sebagai Universitas Swasta, Unisba memiliki nilai-nilai Islam dengan harapan mahasiswanya dapat menerapkan nilai keagamaan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya seperti dalam hal berkonsumsi. Salah satu perilaku konsumsi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa UNISBA adalah berbelanja online. Fenomena online impulsive buying di UNISBA sendiri cukup tinggi, Dilihat dari letak geografi, Indonesia merupakan negara kolektivis, yang diasumsikan memiliki interdependent self construal dan nilai impulsive buying yang rendah. Individu dengan interdependent self construal memiliki nilai impulsive buying rendah karena memiliki kontrol diri, regulasi diri dan tingkat kesabaran yang tinggi, sementara itu di UNISBA sendiri meskipun mahasiswa sudah menunjukkan karakteristik interdependent self construal namun fenomena impulsive buying di kalangan mahasiswa UNISBA masih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa erat hubungan self construal dengan online impulsive buying pada mahasiswa UNISBA. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 386 yang dihitung menggunakan Rumus Slovin. Pengambilan data menggunakan alat ukur impulsive buying dari Verplanken & Herabadi, (2003) dan Self Construal dari Singelis, (1994). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah antara self construal dengan impulsive buying pada mahasiswa UNISBA.Kata Kunci : Self Construal, Online Impulsive Buying,  Mahasiswa.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/24419/pdf
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding Psikologi
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 6, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2020); 759-764
dc.source Prosiding Psikologi; Vol 6, No 2, Prosiding Psikologi (Agustus, 2020); 759-764
dc.source 2460-6448
dc.source 10.29313/.v6i2
dc.subject Psikologi
dc.subject Self Construal, Online Impulsive Buying, Mahasiswa.
dc.title Hubungan Self Construal dengan Online Impulsive Buying Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif

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