Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Jurnalisme Kloning: Praktik Plagiarisme di Kalangan Wartawan Kota Bandung

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dc.contributor Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
dc.creator Kusumah, Adam Haidar
dc.creator Gani, Rita
dc.date 2021-01-22
dc.date.accessioned 2021-03-15T03:55:24Z
dc.date.available 2021-03-15T03:55:24Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/view/25864
dc.identifier 10.29313/.v7i1.25864
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/29243
dc.description Abstract. The development of the times has made the field of journalism develop as well. The word cloning journalism has recently become familiar and seems to interfere with journalists' work practices. This cloning practice seems to be a common thing. In the field, when the journalist carries out his obligation to look for news of this activity it is common. The journalist profession has certain limits in the application of performance in the field. The practice of plagiarism among journalists is certainly a violation because it is against the journalistic code of ethics. Copying other people's activities or plagiarism is now becoming easier to do. The performance of journalists in the field in gathering various information to be used as news material has also contributed to the development of plagiarism, especially cloning journalism. The problem that eventually becomes the question is, is cloned journalism, copy and paste press releases or request news from other journalists to be recognized as is a private work really an activity justified by some? Researchers will try to uncover how and why this practice can be done. In addition, researchers will try to examine how journalists can ignore the signs of professional ethics and the 9 elements of journalism. This research will use a qualitative method with a case study approach. The informants of this study were journalists who committed cloning journalism. Researchers will conduct interviews to get information from the journalist and observation and literature study to corroborate the results of the research.Keywords: Keywords: Cloning Journalism, Plagiarism, Mass Media, Print Media, Journalists, Code of Ethics, 9 Journalistic Elements, Case Studies.Abstrak. Perkembangan zaman telah membuat bidang jurnalistik turut berkembang juga.Kata jurnalisme kloningbaru-baru ini menjadi akrab didengar dan seakan mengganggu  praktik kerja jurnalis. Praktik kloning ini seakan menjadi hal yang biasa. Di lapangan, saat sang jurnalis menjalankan kewajibannya mencari berita kegiatan ini biasa terjadi.Profesi jurnalis memiliki batas-batas tertentu dalam penerapan kinerja di lapangan. Praktik plagiat di kalangan jurnalis tentunya menjadi sebuah pelangaran karena bertentangan dengan kode etik jurnalistik.Kegiatan meniru milik orang lain atau plagiasi saat ini sudah semakin mudah dilakukan. Kinerja wartawan di lapangan dalam mengumpulkan berbagai informasi untuk dijadikan bahan berita, ternyata juga turut berpengaruh pada berkembangnya perilaku plagiat khususnya jurnalisme kloning.Permasalahan yang pada akhirnya menjadi pertanyaan adalah, benarkah jurnalisme kloning, copy paste press release atau meminta berita dari jurnalis lain untuk diakui sebagai suatu karya pribadi adalah benar-benar aktivitas yang dibenarkan oleh sebagian kalangan? Peneliti akan berusaha mengungkap bagaimana dan mengapa praktik ini bisa dilakukan. Selain itu peneliti akan berusaha menelaah bagaimana si wartawan bisa mengabaikan rambu etika profesi dan 9 elemen jurnalistik. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Informan dari penelitian ini adalah wartawan yang melakukan tindakan jurnalisme kloning. Peneliti akan melakukan wawancara untuk mengorek informasi dari si wartawan dan observasi serta studi kepustakaan untuk menguatkan hasil dari penelitian. Kata Kunci:   Jurnalisme Kloning, Plagiarisme, Media Massa, Media Cetak, Wartawan, Kode Etik, 9 Elemen Jurnalistik, Studi Kasus.Abstract. The development of the times has made the field of journalism develop as well. The word cloning journalism has recently become familiar and seems to interfere with journalists' work practices. This cloning practice seems to be a common thing. In the field, when the journalist carries out his obligation to look for news of this activity it is common. The journalist profession has certain limits in the application of performance in the field. The practice of plagiarism among journalists is certainly a violation because it is against the journalistic code of ethics. Copying other people's activities or plagiarism is now becoming easier to do. The performance of journalists in the field in gathering various information to be used as news material has also contributed to the development of plagiarism, especially cloning journalism. The problem that eventually becomes the question is, is cloned journalism, copy and paste press releases or request news from other journalists to be recognized as is a private work really an activity justified by some? Researchers will try to uncover how and why this practice can be done. In addition, researchers will try to examine how journalists can ignore the signs of professional ethics and the 9 elements of journalism. This research will use a qualitative method with a case study approach. The informants of this study were journalists who committed cloning journalism. Researchers will conduct interviews to get information from the journalist and observation and literature study to corroborate the results of the research.Keywords: Keywords: Cloning Journalism, Plagiarism, Mass Media, Print Media, Journalists, Code of Ethics, 9 Journalistic Elements, Case Studies.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.publisher Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/view/25864/pdf
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Jurnalistik/article/downloadSuppFile/25864/4952
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding Jurnalistik
dc.source Prosiding Jurnalistik; Vol 7, No 1, Prosiding Jurnalistik (Februari, 2021); 102-106
dc.source Prosiding Jurnalistik; Vol 7, No 1, Prosiding Jurnalistik (Februari, 2021); 102-106
dc.source 2460-6529
dc.source 10.29313/.v7i1
dc.subject Jurnalistik
dc.subject Jurnalisme Kloning, Plagiarisme, Media Massa, Media Cetak, Wartawan, Kode Etik, 9 Elemen Jurnalistik, Studi Kasus.
dc.title Jurnalisme Kloning: Praktik Plagiarisme di Kalangan Wartawan Kota Bandung
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kualitatif

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