Universitas Islam Bandung Repository

Scoping Review: Kadar Kotinin pada Tubuh sebagai Penanda Status Perokok Aktif

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dc.contributor Fakultas Kedokteran
dc.creator Sugiartini, Trina
dc.creator Furqaani, Annisa Rahmah
dc.creator Rosady, Dony Septriana
dc.date 2021-01-24
dc.date.accessioned 2021-03-15T04:12:27Z
dc.date.available 2021-03-15T04:12:27Z
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/dokter/article/view/26596
dc.identifier 10.29313/kedokteran.v7i1.26596
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/29787
dc.description Abstract. Smoking is a problem globally, and Indonesia is the country with the highest prevalence among 16 developing countries. The high prevalence of active smoking in men will affect the health of women and children who are exposed to cigarette smoke. One of the effects of smoking is that it can increase cotinine levels in active smokers' bodies. Nicotine is the main ingredient in cigarettes. Cotinine is a metabolic product of nicotine that can be easily detected in various body fluids such as saliva, blood, and urine. Cotinine is the primary biomarker used to differentiate smokers from nonsmokers. This research uses the scoping review method with international scientific articles that meet the eligibility criteria. The results of this study were taken from articles that would be assessed by PICOS, namely Population: Active Smokers, Intervention / Exposure: Smoking Behavior, Comparison: Nonsmokers, Outcome: Levels of cotinine in the body in general, Study (Clinical Trial, Meta-Analysis, and Randomized Controlled Trial). 7 articles meet the eligibility criteria. This study's conclusion shows that there is an increase in cotinine levels in smokers compared to nonsmokers.Keywords: Cotinine level, Active smokersAbstrak. Merokok merupakan salah satu masalah yang sedang dihadapi oleh dunia  kesehatan dan negara pertama dengan prevalensi perokok aktif tertinggi diantara 16 negara berkembang yaitu Indonesia. Tingginya prevalensi perokok aktif pada laki-laki tersebut akan mempengaruhi kesehatan pada perempuan dan anak-anak yang terpapar asap rokok tersebut. Salah satu dampak dari merokok yaitu dapat meningkatkan kadar kotinin dalam tubuh perokok aktif. Nikotin merupakan bahan utama pada rokok. Kotinin merupakan hasil metabolisme dari nikotin yang dapat dengan mudah dideteksi dalam berbagai cairan tubuh seperti saliva, darah dan urin. Kotinin adalah biomarker utama yang digunakan untuk membedakan perokok dan bukan perokok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang diambil dengan metode scoping review dengan subjek artikel ilmiah internasional yang memenuhi kriteria kelayakan (elegible). Hasil pada penelitian ini diambil dari artikel yang akan dinilai secara PICOS, yaitu Populasi: perokok aktif, Intervention/Exposure: perilaku merokok, Comparison: bukan perokok, Outcome: kadar kotinin tubuh, Study (clinical trial, meta-analysis, dan randomized controlled trial). Artikel yang memenuhi kelayakan (elegible) ada 7 artikel. Kesimpulan pada penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kadar kotinin perokok dibandingkan dengan bukan perokok.Kata kunci: Kadar kotinin, Perokok AktifAbstractSmoking is a problem globally, and Indonesia is the country with the highest prevalence among 16 developing countries. The high prevalence of active smoking in men will affect the health of women and children who are exposed to cigarette smoke. One of the effects of smoking is that it can increase cotinine levels in active smokers' bodies. Nicotine is the main ingredient in cigarettes. Cotinine is a metabolic product of nicotine that can be easily detected in various body fluids such as saliva, blood, and urine. Cotinine is the primary biomarker used to differentiate smokers from nonsmokers. This research uses the scoping review method with international scientific articles that meet the eligibility criteria. The results of this study were taken from articles that would be assessed by PICOS, namely Population: Active Smokers, Intervention / Exposure: Smoking Behavior, Comparison: Nonsmokers, Outcome: Levels of cotinine in the body in general, Study (Clinical Trial, Meta-Analysis, and Randomized Controlled Trial). 7 articles meet the eligibility criteria. This study's conclusion shows that there is an increase in cotinine levels in smokers compared to nonsmokers.  Correspondence: Trina Sugiartini. Program Pendidikan Sarjana Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung. Jl.Taman Sari No.22, Kota Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Telepon : 0895330556053. Email: sugiartinitrina@gmail.com Keywords:  Cotinine Level, Active Smokers
dc.language id
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter
dc.source Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter; Vol 7, No 1, Prosiding Pedidikan Kedokteran (Februari, 2021)0
dc.source Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter; Vol 7, No 1, Prosiding Pedidikan Kedokteran (Februari, 2021)0
dc.source 2460-657X
dc.source 10.29313/kedokteran.v7i1
dc.subject Pendidikan Dokter
dc.subject Kadar kotinin, Perokok Aktif
dc.title Scoping Review: Kadar Kotinin pada Tubuh sebagai Penanda Status Perokok Aktif
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article
dc.type Kuantitatif

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