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Hubungan Aktivitas Bauran Promosi Siete Cafe Dengan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen

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dc.creator Umari, Tasya
dc.creator Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
dc.date 2014-09-19
dc.identifier http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/humas/article/view/17
dc.description Abstrak. Wisata kuliner berkembang cukup pesat, terbukti dengan meningkatnya jumlah restoran dan rumah makan di Kota Bandung setiap tahunnya. Siete Cafe merupakan salah satu cafe baru yang dapat bersaing dengan cafe lainnya dengan memperoleh omset sebesar 250 juta-350 juta/bulan. Namun Siete Cafe mengalami penurunan volume penjualan pada saat-saat tertentu seperti halnya pada saat liburan sekolah. Oleh karena itu, Siete Cafe melakukan aktivitas bauran promosi guna meningkatkan volume penjualan melalui keputusan pembelian konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas bauran promosi Siete Cafe yang terdiri dari advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, dan public relations dengan keputusan pembelian member Siete Cafe. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori bauran promosi, keputusan pembelian, dan teori SOR. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan responden sebanyak 84 orang dari 107 member Siete Cafe menggunakan sampling random sederhana. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menyebarkan kuesioner, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan observasi. Teknik analisis data dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus korelasi rank-order (Spearmen’s Rho). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas sales promotion dan direct marketing Siete Cafe dengan keputusan pembelian member Siete Cafe, namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas advertising dan public relations Siete Cafe dengan keputusan pembelian member Siete Cafe. Adapun saran-saran dan masukan untuk Siete Cafe dalam meningkatkan keputusan pembelian adalah dengan meningkatkan aktivitas bauran promosi melalui berbagai program-program yang lebih menarik dan inovatif.   Kata Kunci : Bauran Promosi, Keputusan Pembelian, Cafe.   Abstract. Culinary has been growing rapidly recently, it is a prove that restaurant in Bandung is still increasing every year. Siete Cafe is a new cafe that can complete with another cafe. The income is between 250-350 million/month. But recently, Siete Cafe has to overcome the decreasing of their selling volume on a particular time such as on a school holiday. Therefore, Siete Cafe will do a mixed promotion activity which expected can increase the selling volume based on consumer’s buying decision. This research has to be done to know if there was a correlational between mixed promotion activity of Siete Cafe such us advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations with the consumer’s buying decision of Siete Cafe’s members. The theory we used is mixed promotion, buying decision, and SOR theory. This research used a survey method that involes 84 respondents of total 107 of Siete Cafe’s member using a simple random samples. The data was gathered by spreading the questioner, interview, study literature, and observation. The data will be count using a correlation rank orders’s formula (Spearmen’s Rho). The result of these research has showed that there was a corellation between sales promotion and direct marketing activity of Siete Cafe with the decision of members Siete Cafe purchases. However there was no correlation between advertising and public relation activity of Siete Cafe with the decision of members Siete Cafe purchases. As for suggestions and input for Siete Cafe to enhance buying decision can be achieved with improvement of mixed promotion through certain programs that creative and more appealing. Keywords: Mix Promotion, Purchase Decision, Cafe.  
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language ind
dc.publisher Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat
dc.publisher Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat
dc.relation http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/humas/article/view/17/pdf
dc.source Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat; Vol 1, No 1, Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat (Februari, 2014)
dc.source Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat; Vol 1, No 1, Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat (Februari, 2014)
dc.source 2460-6510
dc.title Hubungan Aktivitas Bauran Promosi Siete Cafe Dengan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Peer-reviewed Article

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